Lilydale High School welcomes prospective families to visit and tour our school.


A member from the Principal Team or Year 7 Transition, will guide you around the school to see the learning in progress and hear about the extensive range of programs and opportunities we offer students.


Scheduled Tours Term 2

  • Wednesday 18 May (9 am)
  • Friday 20 May (11 am)

BOOKINGS are essential, please visit the school website homepage!


Please find attached a notice regarding upcoming 24 x 7 works and buses replacing trains on the Lilydale Line, 19 -23 May 2022.



Friday 3 June

Staff Professional Development Day


Tuesday 14 June

Staff Professional Practice Day 


Please assist us to fulfil our legal attendance obligations, by APPROVING unexplained absences on Compass OR by calling the School Absence Line 9735 5644.


It is DET (Department of Education and Training) policy that all student absences are accounted for.


If it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days, please communicate this with the relevant Sub School Office.


If you have forgotten your Compass username and password, please contact the Sub School Assistants.

  • Junior School - Kerri Skewes
  • Middle School - Lauren Kelso
  • Senior School - Jenny McLean


All students are required to wear correct school uniform every day, including travelling to and from school (Eg Black polishable hard leather low-heeled school shoes, white plain socks etc).


The co-operation of parents and carers is expected in delivering a high standard of appearance for all students.  School uniform policy is determined by School Council and reviewed on a regular basis.


We ask that all families support the school by ensuring that their son/daughter attends in full school uniform every day.  


If students have an item out of uniform, they must present a note from a parent/carer and obtain an out of uniform pass from the relevant Sub School Office.


All uniform requirements are available through LOWES Lilydale.


NO FACIAL JEWELLERY is PERMITTED to be worn by students during the school day.



For those students travelling on school contract buses, public buses or trains, it is still a requirement of the Victorian State Government that all travellers on public transport still wear a MASK unless exempt.  


Could you please ensure if your student catches a bus or train that they carry a mask with them and wear it while travelling. 

The Bus Companies have also asked as an OH&S issue, that the students take their mask with them and not leave them on the bus floor.


Could you also please ensure your student carries a valid MYKI if travelling on a public bus (they must tap on and off for each journey). 


The number of students travelling are recorded by the myki use and, services could be reduced, if travellers are not tapping on when they travel.

Thank you for your assistance.


Please make sure that all books, clothing items - jumpers, jackets, shoes and other items (eg calculators, pencil cases etc) are clearly labelled with the student full name and Home Group.


We ask students to take particular care with their books and belongings and not bring any valuable items to school.


If your child looses an item of clothing please ask them to check lost property at the School Office and Sub School Offices (Junior, Middle and Senior School) at recess, lunchtime or afterschool.


Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.


To keep up to date with NEWS and EVENTS at Lilydale High School, we encourage parents/carers and students to LIKE and follow the Lilydale High School 'OFFICIAL' Facebook page.