Year 6 Technology Leadership Team News

Year 6 Technology Leadership Team
Hi all, in term 1 and 2 we have been doing a lot of great things in the Year 6 Technology Team such as; creating/designing Kahoot quizzes for the younger St. Brendan’s Year levels, (particularly Year 1/2's) with the plan to teach them in a few weeks how to complete these.
We have also been completing a research task on our favorite video game consoles and how they are designed. We have also indulged the people around us in the Technological world. We are planning to create an iMovie to show other people how to keep safe on the internet with a CyberSafety project to come in the next few weeks.
With the help of Mr Beks, our knowledge about Technology has grown and our touch typing skills have done the same.
From Raninder Dhillon, Charlie Phelan, Joydeep Bhullar and the Year 6 Technology Leadership Team