A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
The last few weeks have had a large number of students and staff unwell. Most have had the flu/virus that is going around and have been very unwell. Today we have 100 students and five staff away due to illness.
I know it's difficult with work commitments etc, however students need to be fully recovered before they return to school as this illness will continue to spread.
Thanks very much for your understanding.
Year 6 Leadership Badge Presentation
Our Year 6 students were presented with their Leadership badges on Tuesday. We thank parents that were able to be present on such a cold afternoon.
Students are in one of four teams:
- Catholic Identity
- Health and Wellbeing
- Sustainability
The students meet each week with a Senior Years teacher and look at ways they can help others throughout the school.
Teams have been involved in setting up and assisting in:
- St. Brendan's Fun Run
- Feast Day
- Organising games at lunchtimes for younger students
- Assisting teachers with a variety of tasks
- Modelling technology skills to younger children
- Looking at ways to keep our school tidy
- Organising the Sports equipment each lunchtime
- Tour Guides for our Open Day
- Buddy program for our Foundation students
We congratulate the Year 6 students on supporting the students at our school and continuing to have a student voice at our school.
Thanks also to the Year 5/6 teachers for their work with Year 6 Leadership Group.
Book Fair
The Parents and Friends have organised a Book Fair, starting next Monday, 6th June. Please refer to information in this Newsletter.
Students will be able to view the books on Friday with their teachers and parents can come in during the week before school. 8.30am to 9.00am Monday to Friday and 3.00pm to 3.40pm Monday to Thursday.
This is a great opportunity to purchase some books and support the school in getting credits to buy books for the Library.
Congratulations to Nimrat Kaur (Year 5 Mangiameli), and her parents on becoming Australian Citizens recently at the Ceremony held in Shepparton.
A reminder to please check that your Working with Children's Check is still current.
Could you please send a current copy to the school office for our records.
Yours sincerely,