Education News 

TwistED Science Excursion

This term our whole school has been learning about physical science(physics). The Prep - 2 children   have been exploring the way objects move and the push and pull effect. The grade 3-5 have been  exploring magnetic forces. The grade 6 children  have been researching and discovering more about energy from a variety of sources that can be used to generate electricity.


Therefore, we are excited to share that all classes will be attending an excursion to TwistED science in Moorabbin on Thursday 26th May.  TwistED Science is an interactive science based learning centre where children can have an immersive experience learning about the scientific topics currently being explored in class.  Each year level will attend age appropriate exhibits and workshops as part of the day. More information on twistED Science can be found HERE.  Additional details about the excursion will be communicated closer to the day.  


Jenny Willmott

Curriculum Learning Leader