Eucalyptus Group Term 2, 2022

 Kirsty & Rex

It was lovely to see everyone that was able to come along for Mother’s Day and spend some with the children. It has been a long time since we have been able to celebrate and share the room with everyone. The children loved having you all visit. 


The children have been increasingly working together to create buildings and roads in the block area or play board games. Cooperative play involves taking turns, listening and sharing ideas, waiting and considering others. Board games are a great opportunity to do all of these things and also do some counting, number recognition, and build number sense. 


We have been including lots of gross motor activities and movement indoors especially across transitions. This includes animal walks, movement games and songs, crossing the midline with robot arms, balancing along stepping stones and  making some obstacle courses. Developing and building gross motor skills lays the foundation for being able to master fine motor skills such as cutting, drawing and self help skills such as dressing, managing to pack their bag and lunch box. 


We had an incursion last week around mindfulness and relaxation with Kathleen, which the children loved. She had some beautiful singing bowls and gave the children some affirmation cards. It was really lovely.


We have been enjoying lots of cooking together on Wednesdays, the children have been measuring, stirring, counting and also building their motor skills as they butter bread and make sandwiches, or roll biscuits. 


The literacy program has started and we have been also reading the books at kinder with the children and doing some activities that go with the stories. The children are enjoying sharing the stories at kinder and are recalling the stories they have read and sharing their knowledge of the books. It’s really lovely to see the connection to the books across home and kinder. 


We have booked some incursions in for the 4 Year Old program, including drama tool box and dream puppets. The links are below if you want to check out the websites.


Lastly some house keeping, don’t forget to check your children’s bags for spare clothing and that it is weather appropriate now its getting colder. We go outside no matter the season so children need to have something warm to wear outside. We continue to offer water and messy play all year round.  


Thanks Kirsty and Rex