Student of the Week Merit Awards

Friday 17th June

FGAaron In recognition of his fantastic listening skills this week and reaching his full potential by trying his best. I’m proud of you Aaron! 
FJTaria In recognition of the eagerness she displayed when learning about letter names and sounds. You did such a good job identifying letter names and sounds, as well as thinking of words that begin with these letters. Fantastic learning, Taria! 
FLBrandon In recognition of being a fantastic classroom helper with a positive growth mindset towards all learning tasks, packing up and social activities. Keep it up Brandon!
FNIsla In recognition of the care and support she displays towards others. You’re a great role model Isla! 
1GHJazlyn In recognition of always following our school values. You are amazing Jazlyn. Keep up the great work.
2JRArun In recognition of doing a great job creating a fractured fairy-tale based on ‘Goldilocks & The 3 Bears’. The story was very clever and comical. Keep up the amazing work Arun!
2CMThomas In recognition of  his excellent leadership during class meetings and in his role as class captain.  
3EKaven In recognition of the effort he has put in this week to actively listen and contribute to all classroom discussions. Keep up the great work Kaven!
3BMThenuk In recognition of your contribution to your reading group, when comparing and contrasting the text about hedgehogs and porcupines. You were really focused and easily picked out the similarities and differences. Keep it up!
4JLindsey In recognition of her wonderful efforts during all learning times. Lindsey always focuses and works hard, which is why she continues to get great results for everything she does. You are an amazing example to others. Great work, Lindsey!
4WTAraleah In recognition of your developing understanding about the process of recycling and how new items are made. You ask thoughtful questions during our Inquiry sessions to ensure you are making the most of your learning time. Well done!
5CBYiqin In recognition of her focus during work times. Yiqin always works hard and puts her best efforts into what she does. Well done!
5YDawn In recognition of her focus during work times. Dawn always works hard and puts her best effort into what she does. Well done!







In recognition of the 3D panda she created, and the stop-motion movie showing it eating bamboo. You took care with the drawing of the nets and construction of the set of shapes required. The movie showed movement of your panda effectively. Well done!

In recognition of his effective use of the senses when describing the scene of the aftermath of a tsunami. Excellent word choice and use of ‘show, don’t tell’ created a vivid image for the reader. Well done, Jordan!














In recognition of the focus and attention to detail he showed during the creation of his 3D spider and stop motion video. Mitchell followed the instructions and diligently drew up no less than eleven nets. Fantastic effort! 

In recognition of the craftmanship he has shown in constructing his 3D turtle for maths. Drew created the 3D nets of shapes, including a hexagonal prism, with care. Great job! 

In recognition of his resilience and ability to bounce back after his injury. Great effort and we know you can’t get enough of 6Y!

In recognition of the beautiful and creative animal she designed in Maths. Issey has precisely drawn out the nets to the 3D shapes and carefully constructed wings and antennae to represent an extraordinary butterfly! Well done!

PELucyIn recognition of the wonderful improvement you have shown throughout this term in all areas of the Fundamental Motor skills. Great work, Lucy!
FRENCHIris Q In recognition of always working conscientiously in French and especially for her accurate weather forecast. Fantastique, Iris!
Specialist Trophy: F J - For the fun. excitement and energy you bring to class every week. Well done, FJ!