Focus on Learning 

Stage 3 - Amanda Bartholomew


In 5/6 this term we have been investigating measurement and the practical application of Mathematics in our day to day lives. We have looked at length, perimetre and position. In particular, we have been learning about the need for larger units of measurement such as kilometres. Students investigated kilometres by marking a 1km circuit within school grounds. They were surprised at how far a kilometre actually was, especially when they had to run it! Students have also been using Google Earth and its applications to investigate distances around our local community that are about 1km in distance. 


Measuring the perimetre of our circuit.
Measuring the perimetre of our circuit.
"Almost done!"
"Almost done!"
















"1km is a long way Mrs Bartholomew.!"
"1km is a long way Mrs Bartholomew.!"

In the Position unit, students have been using the grid referencing system and compass points to design a map of their own farm. They then had to direct another student around their farm to complete daily farm duties. This provided some very interesting conversation around how precise we need to be when giving directions and using maps. Students needed to draw their farm using a list of predetermined criteria, and were encouraged to add their own flare into their farm design. When designing their farm, students needed to also think about water, wind, sunshine and shelter for their crops and animals. Students thoroughly enjoyed this practical application of their Mathematics skills. 


Here are some examples:

Alex Cortis
Charles Lee
Clancy Flett
Jack Bennett
Alex Cortis
Charles Lee
Clancy Flett
Jack Bennett