A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


The Wizard of Oz Tickets

Last Friday Kate Thompson sent out a newsfeed so families can reserve seats for our school production to be held on Thursday 1st September at 6.30pm. All students from K-6 are performing in our play. It is very important all families complete this form so that enough seats are reserved for our school community. Grandparents and family friends are encouraged to come and enjoy the show! There is no cost to attend however you may buy drinks and snack boxes on the night. The PT & F committee is also organising a wonderful raffle. 


Principal Awards

Kindness Corner

Congratulations to Hayley Sexton from Kinder for her happy and friendly disposition at school. Hayley’s enthusiasm is contagious and she welcomes other students to play with her. Thank you Hayley for being kind to your classmates.

Learner Award

Congratulations to Billie Peach for learning all her lines for our school play. I am proud of you!


Year 5/6 Writing Samples

This week I am excited to share some writing samples from our senior students in Mrs Bartholomew's class. You can see how their writing becomes more sophisticated and how the students are learning to use literary devices such as imagery, similies and metaphors to make their writing more appealing to the audience.


Ayden Coward                                                                                                                                              .

The serene landscape circles around the hiking Eskimo like a dizzy dancer lying on the floor watching the roof spin. The Eskimo scales the 6190 metres of Denali. He has a snowshoe hare following him because of his family’s heirloom. Just as he reaches the top of Denali… “AAAAHHH!!!” The Eskimo screams a bloodcurdling scream as he’s pushed off the peak of the towering mountain, by a simple Dall Sheep. The Eskimo plummeted down and punched the rocky grass with his face, while his lungs and other vital organs surrounding them became impaled by the unprecedented stalagmite.


Abbie Coghill                                                                                                                                                .  Calmly the scarlet canoe drifted down the steep gorge. As the canoe makes its way down the stream, the wind starts to pick up and rocks the boat side to side. The glistening, crystal clear liquid moves like a whale gliding through the ocean. The frozen grass begs to move, while icy snow falls off the mountain peak. The mini waterfalls on the edge of the mountains drip water forcefully off the ice into the water.


Olive Dillon                                                                                                                                  

The velvet red canoe drifted silently down the spectacular snowy gorge. Birds whistled and tweeted gracefully, flying over the slow flowing river. The trees waved and the grass blew in the gentle cool breeze, happily dancing about. The forest creatures smiled and went to rest peacefully, like a big warm hug from family.  The sky turned a bright orange, slowly falling into a black starry blanket, as night time came. The small canoe docked at its old wooden wharf happily, ready for a well earned rest.   


Staff News

Congratulations to Mrs Robyn Wilson and Mrs Sharnie Meade for successfully completing the City to Surf race in Sydney on Sunday. This is a great example, for all our students, of setting a goal and working hard to achieve your goal.  We are all proud of you both!



Have a wonderful week

Pauline Long
