Art & Design Studio Update

Our kiln is up and running and currently firing trial pieces produced in our Year 9/10 Art class. Our current theme is looking at the idea of 'Hybrid'. After some skill-building, we'll now begin the creative process of imagining, developing refining and building small ceramic sculptures that respond to the theme of the hybrid.
7/8 Art students have already had massive success in understanding and applying the printmaking process. Students rose to the challenge of safely carving and printing an asymmetrical letter into Silk Cut lino, and will now begin their own process in developing an image of a superhero. Our superhero will utilise the character strengths we have been examining in our RISE classes.
Speaking of RISE, Year 7B were lucky to have their own 'contemplative clay' session. In a single period we applied mindfulness practices in the process of making small pinch-pot spheres, that we added facial features and limbs. These will be dried, fired and glazed in the coming weeks.
As always, we're seeking good quality art, design and technology magazines, catalogues and books that can get some love and attention in our Art & Design Studio. Do please spread the word through your personal and social networks and reach out to me via or drop off your precious magazines and books to the front office.
Finally, steady progress is being made on restoring the woodworking machines and tools in the Workshop to their former glory. Health and safety audits will be conducted, and we'll then look to work with select students on bringing back to life our woodworking program. If you have expertise in this area, or know someone who'd like to volunteer, please reach out and let's have a chat.
Steven Stanecki
Art & Design