Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning
Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning
Welcome to term three, one of the busiest terms for our teachers! Our classrooms are busy with students finalising their work in class ahead of their CAT assessment tasks. In our VCE classrooms teachers and students continue to raise the level of academic excellence in the midst of their unit 2 and unit 4 studies.
This term our teachers commence their literacy roll out of Tier Two words on the classroom. Tier Two words are high-frequency words used in text that when learned, make reading comprehension much easier. The more students learn high utility (tier two) words, the better they will be able to comprehend text that contains those words.
Teachers have embarked on learning too - they learn how to teach these words in the classroom and will observe one and another deliver the instruction so that our students learn. Teachers observations is another way we continue to deliver high expectations and literacy across all subjects.
Here is a Podcast that will help capture the essence of the work that teachers are engaging in with students in our classrooms.
Education Research Reading Room Episode 062: Margaret McKeown on Robust (Web view)
Maria Hristova
Assistant Principal
Excellence in Teaching and Learning