
Hi parents, carers and community,
Supporting our young people’s mental health is especially important and here are some resources that you and your young people may find helpful.
Headspace have free online group chats for both young people and parents/carers/families lead by professionals and clinicians on various hot topics (such as perfectionism, ADHD, managing exam stress, searching for jobs and more).
group chats led by professionals | headspace
JFC is also lucky to have the services of a provisional psychologist, Siobhan, who is providing counselling support to young people fortnightly during school hours. If you wish to make a referral either for DKM Psychology or for our wellbeing team please make a wellbeing referral on behalf of your young person (the link is below).
JFC General Well-being Referral Form (office.com)
Wishing you all a safe term ahead.
Jazmin Pursell
(Social Worker & Mental Health Practitioner)