Principal's Report

Welcome back to term three and already almost half way!
Congratulations to the year 9 students on a very successful camp and a huge thanks and acknowledgement to Sam Wasser (Leader), Kaitlin Richards, Nic Thorup, Stuart Luke, Sharnie Gibbs, Shashi Pattagan, and Cemal Hakki for all joining in to make this a great camp.
Year 10 students have really stepped up this last week and most students completed the enrolment booklet to register their preferences for senior school. Parents are encouraged to continue talking with the students at home and ensure that the students are on the right pathway for the next couple of years. Please contact us at the school if you still have questions about this process.
This week we presented the key priorities for our school for the next six to twelve months, and our focus will be:
*a safe and orderly learning environment
*high expectations of staff and students
*literacy across the school.
Within these priorities, we also continue to ensure that students are on time, in uniform, and ready to learn and as always, we seek support from families.
The school council president and I have both received confirmation this month from the office of Peter Kahlil that the promised funding for 50 new laptops will be released in the November state budget, so we are very pleased that this promise will be upheld.
We continue to advertise for staff but have also welcomed new staff to the school this week: Mt Maurice Colin, Legals and Bus Man/Year 12 coordinator, and Victoria Babelis, Wellbeing leader. We will also welcome Ms Sarah Afif next week into Maths and Year 7/8 coordinating. Teacher shortages are a problem across the state so on the whole, we are doing pretty well compared to some schools.
Term three is a crucial time for year 12 students, and I urge parents to support your students in the next couple of months to be organised and prepared each day so they can make the most of their time left in class. Please reach out to teachers if you need extra support.
I welcome conversations with parents and encourage you to call or make some time to talk to me about how the school is going.
Dr Lisa Vinnicombe
Executive Principal