Good News

Congratulations to all of our Good News and Special Mentions this fortnight!


For all the Transition students who have started Term Three with enthusiasm, eagerness and energy, welcome back! It is wonderful to see your bright happy faces, ready to learn even on the chilliest of days.


Kayden Williams for demonstrating increased resilience and showing awareness of others. Well done!

Nathan Lane for applying excellent mathematical thinking when viewing graphs. 

Years 1/2

Tristan Nguyen for being a kind and thoughtful helper at our school. Well done Tristan!

Ayva Simpson for her wonderful independence during writing tasks. Great work Ayva!

Lynzi Beard for her fantastic work with addition and subtraction this week. Keep it up!

Ned Newberry for his tremendou work on his finished Big Write on why we shouldn't litter! You convinced me,Ned!

Rylan Wilson for his terrific work on his Big Write. Well done and great use of WOW words!

Mia Waters for her confidence and improvement with her addition and subtraction facts. Well done Mia!

Years 3/4

Well done to all of the Year 3/4 students who have presented their Celebrations Around The World Projects to the class. They are fantastic! 

A special mention to Ryan Waters, George Hope, Isabella Hayes, Callie Cameron, Scarlett Newberry and Catie Furphy who went above and beyond to entertain and inform the class. 

Thank you to Lachlan Cruickshank for your lovely polite manners and for always going out of your way to be kind to others. 

Well done to Grace Linfield and Kobi Wilson for their hard work on their Big Writes this week. We are all very proud of you!

Years 5/6

Mackenzie Ellem for her creative poetry writing about the Anzacs at Gallipoli. 

Ellie Bavea for settling back into the Year 5/6 class and for her great independent work in literacy. 

Connor Montague for his meticulous measuring and reasoning with angles in Maths. 

Jack Cochrane for making great progress with his reading skills and comprehension.