Glen Education Bentleigh East

Connections and building a sense of community at Glen Education Bentleigh East Kindergarten
Elizabeth Washington, Early Childhood Teacher
Over the last couple of years, we have been immersed in an environment where relationships have been impacted in a way that many have felt disconnected and distant from those around them. In 2022 we have finally been able to start building these connections again as society moves forward and begins to re-open. At Glen Education Bentleigh East Kindergarten we have truly enjoyed opening our service and being able to start developing these effective partnerships with families and the community once again. This is something that we believe is paramount in achieving the best outcomes for the child as they feel supported by a larger network and recognise their role within society.
At Glen Education Bentleigh East Kindergarten the connections we built started from the moment you enrolled your child. Glen Education encourages families to fill out a ‘Getting to know you form’. This form with the enrolment form was read and discussed between all educators so that we gained an insight into your child’s interests, strengths, culture, beliefs, needs and family background. This gave us a whole picture of the child and what is important to their family. This then continued into orientation where families were invited into the service in small groups. The teacher and educators made time to speak to each individual family and child. Families were encouraged to share their knowledge of their child, and to discuss their expectations, goals, hopes and dreams. These then became our shared goals and objectives for the children and became the first point of collaboration. Here we hoped to achieve the beginning of a long strong partnership ensuring that every family feels welcome, supported and appreciated.
Following this we have then aimed to continue developing relationships with families and caregivers. Teachers and educators ensure they are always available in the mornings and afternoons to talk with families about their child’s day, what they are interested in and how they are developing. We also have found that opening different avenues of communication allows for optimal connections to be made and supports differing families needs. Some of the ways we communicate include; email, phone conversations and reflection books which are displayed in the foyer.
Regular emails are also sent to families and caregivers to heighten communication about the learning that is occurring and what the children are developing. These emails also include photos, upcoming events, curriculum focuses and any messages. Families and caregivers are encouraged to reply with any information that they would also like to contribute, including any suggestions on program and curriculum decision making. This is highly promoted so that families and educators continue working in collaboration to achieve the best outcomes for the children. Families are also encouraged to participate within our program. This may involve sharing cultural celebrations, incorporating their strengths and skills, or even just volunteering to accompany the children on excursions.
Glen Education Bentleigh East Kindergarten also acknowledges the important role the community plays in children’s education and wellbeing. It is vital that children understand they are part of a wider community where support and assistance is available. To encourage this awareness, we try and get out into the community throughout the year, and also encourage the community involvement within our service. Some of the ways we have developed connections in 2022 with our local community have included: supporting small businesses in the area, visiting the crossing supervisor with the children to demonstrate road safety, going to IGA with the children for shopping and to connect with locals, having incursions with community helpers (example; Dentist), attending community events like Nick Staikos’ Easter Egg Hunt, and building networks with support services in the area. With these small but valuable connections to the community we are assisting children and their families to feel connected to the wider community and to build a sense of belonging.
2022 has been a wonderful year at Glen Bentleigh East Kindergarten to reconnect and build strong partnerships with families and the community. We value the importance for children to witness positive interactions and view important people in their lives collaborating towards shared goals. This, in turn, will build a sense of belonging to a wider community and a network of support.
Parent Reflections on connections at Glen Education Bentleigh East Kindergarten:
“The educators at East Bentleigh kindergarten communicate regularly with parents, both at kinder and via email. It is great to talk with them at pick-up time and find out what my child has been up to during the day. Regular emails ensure we are kept informed of any essential information but it is also lovely to read about special activities such as incursions/excursions and to see photos of the kids having fun."
- Lauren Coppens
“Glen Education have been incredible in terms of their communication from the moment our child started kinder.
On a personal note, we have felt their warmth and continued support on a daily basis. We feel welcomed at drop offs and at the busy pickups, the educators still find the time to let us know how our child`s day was.
When we have questions or want to understand how our child is doing at kinder, the educators have been amazing and have kept us informed on a regular basis whether via phone or email.
At the beginning of the year, there was a family emergency where I had to go overseas. The educators were incredibly supportive to not only Levi but the entire family and helped and supported us during this difficult time.
During the year, we also receive regular news updates and emails so we always feel kept in the loop.
Thank you so much to Glen Education and, in particular to Liz. We have really enjoyed being a part of the Glen Education family and really appreciate your support and excellent and ongoing communication.'
- Jodi Weinberg
“We couldn't be happier having our daughter in the 4yo program and Bentleigh East Kinder. Being someone who takes time to warm to people the teachers at Bentleigh East kinder have become like family to her and us.
As parents of a child who has apprehensions about attending kinder we are very reassured having her in the presence of the team there. Everyone takes the time to update us with her progress. Liz always is open with us, she takes the time to communicate throughout the term with what the children are working through and is very proactive with addressing any specific requirements for our child.
We are extremely pleased with how well Ava has settled with the team there”
- Sabrina Vining
"Our family is very impressed with how the educators at Glen education BEK have created a positive, engaging environment and wonderful connections between kinder and home. Open communication has played a huge factor in it's success and staff are very experienced and approachable. Our daughter enjoyed working on the emotions " project " given to her over the term 2 holidays and helped her and us as parents stay connected to kinder. "
- Laura Gathoni
"We are loving Glen Education Bentleigh East. It is such a warm and welcoming environment from the time you enter and my son loves his days here. He has such a great connection with his educators and other children and especially enjoys the huge range of experiences on offer, such as learning Auslan and sports."
- Naomi Turk