Congratulations to Glen Bentleigh on their Exceeding Result

Glen Bentleigh Kindergarten receives an exceeding result for high-quality education and care!
We are thrilled to announce we have received a rating of EXCEEDING the National Standard for Education and Care at Glen Bentleigh Kindergarten! We have consistently achieved this result for 10 years, demonstrating that high quality practices are genuinely embedded in all that we do.
The assessment involved the review of documentation, observation of interactions and an extensive discussion regarding practice. The assessor highlighted our commitment to high quality practices and meaningful relationships with children and families. Below are the highlights of the report.
Leadership and Management Team: The atmosphere between management, the leadership team and educators was supportive, respectful and positive. Educators spoke of a mutual respect for each other and a feeling of being valued and appreciated within the established team. The service consistently demonstrated effective leadership, which created a positive organisational culture that valued the contribution from all levels of the organisation. The nominated supervisor was experienced and passionate; her longevity in the role provided the staffing team with clear guidance and support, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement through fostering a culture of ongoing reflection and review.
Educators: Educators demonstrated a deep commitment to welcoming, responsive and supportive relationships with children, which contributed to a friendly and inclusive environment. Educators continuously strove to understand the individual needs of children and families attending the service, as well as those of the wider community, and used this knowledge to inform their practices and programs. Educators fostered meaningful engagement with families, actively seeking their views and voices, and using this information to extend children's learning. This included families sharing experiences from holidays, family life and meaningfully engaging with the service team about important events.
Children: Children displayed a sense of belonging in their environments and relationships, exploring the spaces confidently and seeking the company of educators and peers throughout the day. Each educator’s practice demonstrated a deep commitment to building and maintaining responsive and respectful relationships with each child, and significant efforts were made to promote children’s rights, dignity, and self-esteem.
Families: Meaningful, reciprocal engagement with families was the foundation for developing and maintaining positive relationships between educators and children. Educators worked with families to develop consistent practices and positive interactions that were responsive to the needs of individual children. Family contribution was clearly valued and embedded throughout the program, resulting in children being settled into the program and contributing to the strong sense of community within the environment.