Promoting Dental Health in the Early

Dental Health Resources for 0 – 6-year-olds

Dental Health Services Victoria have loads of resources to promote good dental health in children aged 0 – 6.


New fact sheet for families


Keeping Teeth Healthy 0-5 yearsoffers information about how to eat well, drink well and clean well across this key developmental time. These resources can be shared with families with young children to instill good oral health habits for life.  


Translated toothbrushing videos


Toothbrushing with your baby 0-18 months and Toothbrushing with your toddler or preschooler 18 months – 6 years have now been translated into 15 community languages: Arabic, Burmese, Chinese simplified, Dari, Dinka, Farsi, Hazaragi, Karen, Khmer, Punjabi, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Urdu and Vietnamese.


These videos aim to support and encourage families to make toothbrushing part of their child’s routine from early on.  


Infographic in even more languages


Caring for teeth and gums 0-6 years is now available in another five community languages, adding to the initial 12 translated. QR codes on the flyer offer a quick links to the toothbrushing videos in the matching language (where available). Find these translated resources here.