We welcome the following new staff to our school community in 2022:
- Stefanie Bear (Engagement Leader Senior School, English teacher)
- Analise Buyks (The Arts)
- Sophie Ionnidis (Humanities)
- David Tod (The Arts)
- Shamaine Ng (Humanities)
- Lucy Maxwell (English)
- Amanda Ghanem (Maths)
- Yinqing Lian (Maths)
- Erin Phelps (English)
- Adam Tate (Tutor)
- Christy Tan (Tutor)
- Beth Parker (Tutor)
- Jenny Tan (Tutor)
- Helen Webb (Tutor)
- Shelley Thacker (Learning Specialist, Math teacher – Term 2)
- Damien Bushby (Maths)
- Vicky Howse (Music)
- Norhidayah Noor (classroom learning support)
- Samantha Dempster – Front reception
- Kylie McCall – Office Administration
- Jason Yong (IT Manager)
We say goodbye and best wishes to:
- Katrina Young (moving overseas)
- Esther Turner (just until the end of 2022 - Virtual School Victoria)
- Kim Evans (Parental Leave)
- Yuki Warnakulasuriya (IT Team)
- Isuru Senanayake (IT Team)