Lunchtime Clubs and Activities

Lunchtime clubs and activities are in full swing again at Box Hill High School!
We kicked off the year with the Lunchtime Clubs Fair in the quad – student leaders from each club set up a stall displaying what their club was all about and answered questions from other interested students. It was a great success and we had lots of new sign ups to all groups.
We are very happy to have the following clubs continuing on in 2022:
Art club, Cultural Studies club, Tech club, Knitting Club, K-Culture club, Anime club, Book club, DND club, Cards club, Badminton, Gaming club, and Chess club. We also have two brand new clubs starting up this year: the Lantern League Public Speaking Club run by the lovely Ms Brewer, and the Sustainability club for both students AND teachers – keep an eye out for some exciting sustainability projects starting soon at school…