The Arts

James Taylor - Arts Domain Leader

Arts Leaders 

Many exciting things have been happening this term in the Arts Domain. Let’s start in the classrooms. In addition to the wonderful things our students create every week, this year we have a launched a new initiative. Ms Brewer had the idea to provide junior Visual Arts students with the opportunity to take on a leadership role. These students will assist their teachers in the classroom with providing feedback from peers, assistance with the maintenance of Visual Arts rooms, materials and resources and helping with art exhibition set-up and take-down. 


2022 Arts Captains 

Speaking of leaders, I want to acknowledge Wendy Huang,​ Archer Chadwick-Pask andMegan Choo, who are our 2022 Visual Arts captains. These three have already begun working with our junior arts leaders. 


Congratulations also to Aurelia Thian-De Wind and Reuben Strentz, who have been appointed 2022 Music captains. 


And finally, thank you so much Allanie Sanderson and Olivia Baker for taking on your leadership roles to help Ms Longden with the 2022 production. I was really impressed with the work-in-progress when I visited recently to take some photos.  


Emily Neal at Top Designs 

On Friday 1 April, I attended the Melbourne Museum for the opening of the 2022 Top Designs exhibition. Emily Neal, who graduated from Box Hill High in 2021, had her VCD Folio selected to be part of the exhibition.   

Emily Neal's 'Top Designs' submission
Emily Neal's 'Top Designs' submission
Mr Chew, Emily Neal & Mr Taylor
Mr Chew, Emily Neal & Mr Taylor


There were approximately 400 entries for the Year 12 VCD Top Designs in 2021 and Emily was successful with her submission, of which there were only 14 successful candidates from all schools in the state of Victoria. 



Emily’s 2021 VCD Teacher, Mr James Chew, and I celebrated this wonderful achievement with Emily and her friends and family. See the photos here. Emily is now studying Primary School Teaching at Deakin University.  




Belle White at Top Arts 

I also want to celebrate the achievement of Belle White, who took Units 3 & 4 Drama last year while she was in Year 11. So good was Belle’s drama performance that she was selected to be part of the 2022 Top Acts! Well done, Belle. This is such a significant achievement. 


Belle will be performing at the Elisabeth Murdoch Hall on Friday 20 May at 7:30pm. 


New staff for 2022 

This year we have welcomed Mr David Tod, who is teaching Years 10 to 12 Media and Year 9 Drama. Mr Tod has fitted seamlessly into the Arts Domain and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his classes. Mr Tod is with us this year because Mr Toby Wilkins has been appointed a Master Teacher, one of nine outstanding  teachers who will lead the Teaching Excellence Program at the new ‘Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership’.  


This year we also welcome Ms Annalisa Buyks, who has come on board to teach a mix of Food Tech and Visual Arts classes. Ms Buyks brings a great deal of experience to both of the subject areas she teaches. I have been super impressed with Ms Buyks’ engagement with all of her classes. This means the ever-capable Ms Lockhart, who has previously taught Food Tech and Visual Arts, is now solely focusing on Junior and Senior Art and VCD.  It looks like everyone has kicked a goal!