The Wellbeing Hub

Felicity Shiel-Jones

Respect - It’s About All of Us - Community Seminars 

Box Hill High Schoolwas excited to be collaborating with Blackburn High School, Koonung Secondary College and Mullauna College to address as a community, issues around respectful relationships in a step to change community attitudes to domestic violence and sexual assault. Each week, the media highlights the impacts of gendered and sexual harassment, domestic violence and the normalising of graphic content. We are working alongside our local high schools to tackle how we can help our young people be aware of healthy behaviour choices to improve their experiences with these issues.  


Some top tips for looking after our mental health:

  • Communicate regularly with families and friends. Make time to touch base with your teenager just to lightly check in
  • Find a good balance with nutrition, sleep and physical activity
  • Establish some regular routines each day
  • Practice patience and compassion – listen, don’t judge or give advice.
  • Normalise having “not ok” times
  • Try to have fun, look for opportunities to add variety to the day as well
  • Pursue an interest or learn something new

Wellbeing Support Resources: 


Kids Helpline or phone 1800 55 1800


Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old that offers confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues 13 22 89 (8am- midnight).


eheadspace, online and phone counselling for young people aged 12 to 25 and their families: 1800 650 890




The Wellbeing Team 2022

Felicity Shiel-Jones, Wellbeing Leader
Tiffany Casey, Counsellor
Colin Osborn, Counsellor
Bowen Guan, Mental Health Practitioner
Felicity Shiel-Jones, Wellbeing Leader
Tiffany Casey, Counsellor
Colin Osborn, Counsellor
Bowen Guan, Mental Health Practitioner

School Psychologist 

Felicity Cronan  



Classroom Learning Support Staff 

Dani Balon
Norhidayah Noor
Shivangi Sharma
Dani Balon
Norhidayah Noor
Shivangi Sharma