Principal Report 

Dear families,

The term is in full swing with learning taking centre stage in our classrooms. This is a credit to the students, parents, teachers, and ES that the transition back to school has been seamless. There have been a few students absent and I want to take the time to share that we are all thinking about you while you are at home. We cannot wait to see you back at school!

There is a small chance that at some point we may be impacted by COVID-19 so it is a good time to highlight that strong attendance at school is the cornerstone of student success. We have added a bigger focus on our attendance process this year. Expect teachers to reach out to you via Compass on day 1 and follow up by email on day 2. If we do not hear from you, either through replying to a teacher, Compass, or through the office we will be in touch through a phone call. Please be assured it is because we want to know how we can support you and your child. If your child is absent due to COVID-19, we will add the reason as medical/illness. You can expect a card in the post and we have shared some optional work on Compass newsfeed. Call out if you need any help...we mean it. 


Information Nights

This week we have held information nights for parents to share some of our expectations as students transition through the levels. It was clear that all of our teachers care about their roles in your children's lives. A strong message setting high expectations for your children in school was evident. I want to share that we are grateful for the efforts you put into supporting us in our roles as educators. I would like to thank the teachers and extended staff, for their time shared this week outside of the usual school day and to those parents/carers that came along to hear them speak. 


Support and Extension

Across the school, we focus on different approaches to supporting students who need a little help from time to time, as well as those that need to be pushed. 

In grade 1 and grade 2 support is offered to selected students through literacy through LLI - Leveled Literacy Intervention with Helen Plunkett. 

In grade 3-6 support is offered through MacqLit with Joy Smith. In addition, Helen runs a Maths Club each morning, Monday to Thursday, in the library for students who need support. 

Students who show progress beyond the expected level are requested to attend Spotlight Literacy and Spotlight Numeracy. These groups are pushed to show us what they can do in these areas beyond the classroom. 

These are all based on a withdrawal from the class approach.

We also have tutoring time allocated (TLI) to classrooms. The tutoring we offer is intense conferencing with small targeted groups in a class by a child's class teacher. Giving the teacher additional time so they can support those that may need help with a small goal will lead to success. 

All of the approaches are data-driven, in partnership with home, reviewed regularly, with success celebrated with the students. 

If your child is not in a group it is because they are exactly where they are supposed to be. 


BYOD @ Grade 34 Level

At the 34 Information night, I spoke about the prospect of a bring your own device (BYOD) approach for grade 3 and 4 students. The parents in attendance shared their support for me to continue to explore this as an option. I will book an information evening for families in March. 


Getting to know you

Getting to know a little bit more about what you need for your child, how your child learns, and what you think we may need to hear is the focus of 'Getting to know you interviews'. This is a time for you to link in with your child's teacher and start to build a partnership for the year. The interviews are going to be held on Zoom and will be bookable through Compass as of Monday 21st February. 


They will happen on 

  • Tuesday 1st - Parent Teacher Interviews 3.40pm - 4.40pm (Zoom)
  • Thursday 3rd - Parent Teacher Interviews 3.40pm -7.20pm (Zoom)

A separate Compass newsfeed item will be shared. 


Tasks we need from you

Next week we will send home a set of forms for you to complete and send back to us. We want to do this task once, ensuring we have collated information for all families. The forms will be recorded at school and will be saved for the duration of your child's schooling with us. 

These forms are 'Photo Permissions' and 'Local Walks' for all students and 'PG Movies' for grades 5 and 6. Each year we will ask you to update us if anything changes. 


Car Park Safety

A reminder of our car park agreements. 

There is no parking in either car between the hours of 8:30am and 9:00am and 3:15pm and 3:45pm. Parking passes can be issued to those families who have additional needs through the school office or Emily Murcott. 


Kiss and Drop

The car park at the front and rear both a Kiss and Drop system. This works at its best when the kiss and drop are seamless. Your child should be ready to leave the car on the left passenger side with their bag with them. Staff are there to help keep your child safe. 

Stopping to let children out, or to pass them their bags, slows the process down and adds an element of risk to you, your child, and those around you. 

When dropping off move your vehicle as far along as possible to help get as many cars through as possible in the shortest time and safest way.

There is no Kiss and Go after school. 

It is a park-up and meet-your-child approach.

At the rear, we ask that you do not cut through the car park with, or without, children, as this is unsafe. Please follow the pathway around. We are working on a new path with the council. When parking we ask you to be mindful of our neighbours and the local parking restrictions.

Thanks in advance.


Things to look out for:


As well as COVID-19 there are other illnesses (I know we forgot about them!) including gastro. This can be quite nasty in children. We have had reports of cases from families. A reminder to wash hands and sanitise regularly....not just for COVID-19.

We have not had any reports yet but I can share from experience that it is head lice season. We suggest that any children with hair longer than shoulder length tie their hair back or into ponytails. 


Privacy Policy

Our school collects, uses, discloses, and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found here:

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents.

This information is also available in ten community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese.