
Hi everyone


My School Connect - Order cancelations:

Due to the uncertain times we are living in, you may have the need to cancel your child's lunch order at short notice. If you have a regular lunch order (not a special event order) in the system and it is before the 9.30am order cut-off, please either cancel the order or alter the date the order is required (to an upcoming Canteen day) by doing the following:

  • Sign into MSC
  • On the Menu Tab, go to My Account
  • Go to Order History (current orders) and find the relevant order
  • Click Edit
  • To change the date required - click on the pencil under the date and adjust as necessary. If there is more than one item ordered, you will need to adjust the date for each item
  • Save changes and confirm when prompted. Wait for the Green 'thumbs up'
  • To cancel the order - click on the cancel button and confirm when prompted. Wait for the green 'thumbs up'

If the 9.30am cut-off has passed please call the canteen and I will organise a credit to your MSC account providing items have not already been heated or prepared. 


If your child is absent on a special event day, where items allow, we will deliver the special items to your child on the next canteen trading day. Unfortunately no credits can be provided for these events. 


Thank you for your understanding.



Celebrating Special Occasions:

Did you know that the Canteen can provide your child with a 'Birthday and Special Occasion Bucket' to share with classmates? The Buckets are personalised with your child's name and a message and are delivered to classrooms. They contain a fruit based, frozen Icy Pole tube for each class member and are a healthy and fun option for sharing.

Birthday and Special Occasion Buckets cost $15 per class (regardless of the number of students) and can be ordered through My School Connect under the Extras tab.


Whole School Athletics Day:

Canteen will have a Pop-up stall at our school Athletics Day on March 29th. There will be snacks, drinks and icy poles available. Please note - there will not be any lunch orders on the day. All sales must be cash - no credit sorry.


The coffee machine will also be available for parents. 


Stay well
