Fabulous Foundation
Fabulous Foundation
Term 1 Week 2 2021 - Friday 11th February 2022
We have had a calm and smooth start to Foundation. Both classes are happy, eager to learn and make new friends. Thankyou to all the families for your support in a fantastic first couple of weeks.
If you need to speak with either Narelle (00A) or Olivia (00B) , please don’t hesitate to contact us via DOJO or we’re available for a quick informal chat after school.
Learning intentions: Week 3 & 4
We will introduce the reading strategy of Eagle Eyes. This is used to look at the pictures for clues to help us when learning to read. With our Eagle Eyes, we will look at front covers of books and make predictions about what the story will be about.
We will also concentrate holding our writing pencils the correct way. Weekend Recount will be introduced where the students will draw a picture of their weekend and attempt to write a word to match their drawing. This will be done every week and gradually the students will begin to write more than one word or a complete sentence! We will also focus on the first goal on our writing checklist which is to be able to label picture.
We will begin our SMART spelling program and introduce the word of the week to the students. This word will be used all week with various spelling activities. Daily we will also focus on not only the spelling of words but the sounds that each letter makes. Ask your child what the word of the week is!
This week we will begin looking at numbers 1-5 and matching the numeral with the quantity using concrete materials in the classroom. We will also concentrate and practise the number formations of 1 – 5.
We will begin our unit on families and talk about what makes each family special. We will focus on different family units and celebrate the diversity amongst our families. The students will begin a family tree of their own families.
Leader in Me
Foundation has been working hard to learn all of the 7 habits at school. Daily they are demonstrating these 7 habits in the classroom and outside. We have many proactive learners in Foundation!
Important reminders
* Foundation PE Lessons are every Thursday so please wear your runners to school that day!
* Please can you continue to pack a fruit snack and a recess snack even if your child has a lunch order as these aren’t delivered to the school until 1pm
*It has been wonderful to see so many preps wearing their hats. Please be sure to put on sunscreen each morning before arriving at school.
*Sight words will be coming home next week for nightly practise. A note will go out on dojo with all the details early next week
*Daily we have a fruit break, we ask kindly that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time.