
Hello, St James Families!


My name is Mrs. Belinda Mihalicek and I am the new Mathematics Leader and Intervention/Enrichment Teacher at St James, Brighton. I am writing to formally introduce myself and share a little bit about the work I’ll be doing here.


Firstly, I would like to thank the staff, students, and families for the warm welcome I have received. I can already see what a wonderful group of children we have at St James!


As the school Mathematics Leader, I will be responsible for planning for whole-school improvement in Mathematics and overseeing curriculum implementation and evaluation, among other things. My role as leader will support all staff in the identification and monitoring of student needs, the development of intervention and extension strategies, and the documentation of these. Further to that, my role is to support our teachers in making maths challenging, engaging, and exciting for our students!


In regard to my own professional experience, I was previously employed at Our Lady of Lourdes School in the role of Mathematics Leader, eLearning ICT Leader, and classroom teacher. I have extensive classroom experience and have been in Catholic education for eighteen years.


I have not been here long but already it is clear to me the expert staff, happy and motivated students, and wonderful, supportive families we have. I am thrilled to be a part of the school community that is St James.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I look forward to working in partnership with you and your child’s classroom teacher to support and extend your child in their mathematics learning journey.


Warm regards,

Belinda Mihalicek


A challenge for you - see if your family can work together to solve these math problems.  All entries will receive recognition in the next mathematics newsletter and a limited edition groovy sticker from Mrs. Mihalicek! You have to be in it to win it! 😉