Living Well, Learning Well

Mrs Rebecca Hofman - Leader of Pedagogy

Week 3 Character Strength Awards

Our character strength last week was kindness and it was lovely to see our students back at school, displaying kindness in the classroom and during break times. Throughout the week Mrs Long, Mrs Rheinberger and Mrs Hofman witnessed many acts of kindness and acknowledged these students at Friday's assembly:

Ricky Hird: Showing genuine support and kindness to others in the classroom and on the sporting field. 

Cash Kelly: Demonstrating kindness to a teacher.

Stella McMahon: Showing kindness to our younger students. 


Week 4 Character Strength Focus

This week our focus is Perseverance.


At St. Joseph’s School, we can show perseverance by:

  • Working hard to achieve a goal,
  • Not giving up when you find a task difficult,
  • Focus on your strengths instead of on what you cannot do at the moment,
  • Use positive self talk,
  • Break big tasks into smaller tasks,
  • Use the power of 'Yet'....I can not do this YET. 

By building our character strengths, we can all work together to say:

People have a better day because I am here as part of the school team! 

Each week, we will display our focus for all students to see on our new Living Well, Learning Well display. We look forward to watching our students display perseverance in all they do this week and encourage families to discuss this week's character strength at home.



Centacare Services

We are so fortunate to be able welcome our Centacare School Counsellor, Emma Stilinovic, back to St Joseph's as part of our team once again this year. She is available to support students and staff both in the classroom and on the playground as part of our Living Well, Learning Well focus.


If you would like your child to speak with Emma in a confidential capacity, please touch base with your child's teacher and they will arrange for some simple paperwork to be sent home for signing.  


If you have any questions regarding counselling or other support services please speak with your child's teacher or contact Wendy Rheinberger (Inclusion Support Teacher).