Focus on Learning 

Mrs Rebecca Hofman - Leader of Pedagogy & Miss Sallie Pilgrim - Kindergarten Teacher

Welcome Kindergarten! 

It has been a busy, busy week for our kindergarten students and we are very impressed with the way they have settled into daily life at 'Big School'. Week 1 was spent meeting Stage 3 buddies, building box houses and participating in the swimming carnival - what a great way to start the year!


The students have spent time over the past week developing their understanding of our school and what it means to be a part of St. Joseph's. We investigated our school crest, noting the different aspects on the crest and that our crest symbolised that we are all part of the St. Joseph's family. The students identified their colour houses and were able to support their house with pride at the swimming carnival. 


In Maths, we have been discussing days of the week and learning our numbers, and in English we have been helping to build our fine motor skills to prepare us for writing through lots of fun activities: beading, forming shapes with playdough, cutting and tracing with our pencils. All these activities are helping us to further develop and strengthen our fine motor skills and the muscles in our hands, which in turn will help us with all our school tasks. You can help us to continue building these skills at home by giving us lots of opportunities to use our hands and manipulate objects!


Please enjoy this little video as a celebration of Kinder's first week of school.