Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Cyber security and Student School Emails

Currently, the IT department is working on issues around cyber security and the school’s network.


There are a large number of spam emails that arrive through the College server as a result of students signing up to sites using their school email account. Students are not to use a school email address to sign up to websites unless school related.


Many of these websites have secondary websites to who they sell the email addresses and these websites will send spam mail.


Parents and students need to understand that the original email address is easily tracked and seen by the IT department. Many of these websites are unsuitable for students of any age.


Furthermore, having the College’s email address associated with such sites can bring the College’s reputation into disrepute.


I will be speaking to the students in coming weeks on Assembly about this. I encourage parents to begin the conversation at home. 

Bus Passes

A reminder to parents to please top up student’s bus passes. This may have been overlooked with the different way school has started this year. 


There have been a few complaints from bus drivers about students not scanning cards when they get on buses of an afternoon. Whilst this may be an honest mistake at times, I have told students to be honest and the expectation is to speak to the bus drivers if there is an issue with their card. 

Student Mask Wearing

All families need to provide for their students a mask/s each school day in line with Queensland health directives.  Several boxes of masks have been given out each day, which is becoming a mounting expense for the College.   It is increasingly frustrating for staff who commonly see the same faces without a mask after arriving at school.  Please ensure your son has more than one mask in his school bag. 

After Hours use of College premises

A reminder to parents that the College grounds are unsupervised over the weekend. The boarding supervisors attend to the boarding community.  Any other students who come onto school grounds outside of school hours do so at their own risk.