Primary News

Mr Liam Beatty, Head of Primary School

Dear Primary Families,

Whilst we have not been able to commence classes in person, our Primary staff have been busy meeting and planning ahead of the commencement of the school year.


Likewise, it is a great opportunity for families to prepare their sons for the commencement of school next week and ensure that they start the year on the right foot. Routines are important for the success of any student, particularly boys. As such, I would encourage you to use this week to have conversations with your son about their ‘back-to-school’ routine and allow them to begin to take ownership over getting themselves organised with everything they need to go back to school. I hope the information below provides you with some key information to assist in this process.


Today we commenced our Meet and Greets between our Primary teachers and the families in their class. I trust all families will take advantage of this opportunity over the next few days. A reminder that whilst we begin face-to-face teaching next week, we still have restricted access for parents to the College. Your support in continuing to keep our community safe is very much appreciated. 

First Day of School – Monday 7 February

Year 6 (Summer Uniform): Year 6 students will commence their first day with a short year level meeting at 8:30am in the Primary Courtyard, before moving to classes with their teacher. 


Year 5 (Sports Uniform): As communicated in my letter last week, Year 5 students are asked to arrive at school slightly later at 9:00am. At this time, we will welcome them to the College and begin a number of orientation activities, concluding with a swim in the pool.

Student Absences

A reminder that if your son will be absent from school, please either call 07 3858 4697 or email and your son’s teacher. More information will be communicated regarding processes to follow for students and families who are required to isolate.

Late Arrivals 

In the event that students arrive late to school (after 8:30am), they are asked to come directly to Primary Reception and sign in. As part of our return to school plan, parents are no longer required to accompany their sons to sign in. However, they are still asked to contact Primary Reception via phone 07 3858 4551 to inform us of their late arrival.

Early Departure

Parents who are needing to collect their sons before the end of the school day are still asked to come to Primary Reception to sign out their sons. We ask that you please notify your son’s classroom teacher and Primary Reception with as much notice as possible to assist us in ensuring your son is ready to depart when you arrive. 

Uniform Expectations 

As we begin the year it is important the boys present at school with the correct uniform, as outlined below. Please ensure all uniform items are clearly labelled. Further clarification of the College hat policy can also be found in the Head of Students section of this newsletter. 


It is also important that boys return to school next week with haircuts as outlined in our College Policy. This means that they should not have a fringe that can be brushed over their eyes and that their hair is not less than a three-blade. This also includes any extreme variation in length.

ICT Agreement

For the past three years, each student in the Primary School has access to a school-owned Chromebook. Next week our students in Years 5 and 6 will be spending some time going over the expectations for the use of this digital learning device and their responsibilities as digital citizens as outlined in the Responsible ICT Use Agreement. Parents are able to view and agree to the terms of this agreement through ParentLounge. Please note, students will not be able to take home their devices unless this process has been completed by their parents. 

Year 5 Parent Information Evening

Our Year 5 Parent Information Evening scheduled for Wednesday 9 February at 6:30pm will now take place online. Families will be e-mailed a live-stream link that they can access at the same time as the planned session. All new families in Year 6 are also asked to tune in. 

Pick-up and Drop-off Locations

Prior to commencing the school year, it is important to have a discussion with your son about your pick-up procedures. In such a large College our Primary students, particularly those new, can often find pick-up time overwhelming. The two preferred areas of pick at the College are the Moola Road drop-and-go and the Grevillia Road (Des Connor Park side). Please see the map below for your reference.

Primary Sport - Mr John Lambourne – Head of Sport (Years 5-6)

Welcome to Marist College Ashgrove Primary Sport 2022. Sport is an important part of life at Marist College, not just for the boys but for families and staff as well. Please use the College Newsletter and the College APP as the most reliable sources of information and any updates regarding Sport. 


For further information please do not hesitate to contact me;

John Lambourne -


Term 1 – Week 3 Trial Schedule



There is a cricket team for every boy at Marist College, no matter his ability, skill level or experience. Boys wishing to represent MCA in AIC Cricket will require a College cricket shirt, white long pants, and school wide brim blue hat. Boys will need to provide their own protector for training and matches. 



Two training sessions per week – 7:00am to 8:00am – nets session and 3:30pm to 4:45pm fielding/skills session (Flats).

Training days will be confirmed by the team coach. Boys may wear comfortable clothes to training and must have a protector and water bottle at all sessions. 



A & B Teams - Saturday mornings 8:00am to 11:45am, 25/25 overs.

C & Coloured Teams - 20/20 matches Saturday mornings 7:30am to 10:00am or 10:00am to 12:30pm.

Times may vary due to the availability of fields.



AFL is a selective sport with only 45 boys in each year level being selected to play in an A, B or C team. Boys wishing to represent MCA in AIC AFL will require a College AFL jersey, and shorts. Boys will need a mouthguard and boots for training and matches.



Two (2) training sessions per week Team / Skills Session - 7:00am to 8:00am.

Training sessions will be confirmed by team coach. All boys are to wear appropriate training clothes (jersey, boots) and must have a water bottle and wear a mouth guard to training.



Saturday mornings 7:30am to 12:00pm. Game times may vary week-to-week


If you have not already registered your son for a Term 1 AIC sport but would like him to participate, please e-mail Mr Lambourne at with your son’s name, the sport they are interested in playing and their playing experience.



MCA Primary Swim Squad training sessions will recommence Monday 7 February, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm and continue Monday and Wednesday afternoons throughout Term 1. These sessions are open to all boys; boys attending for fitness training and boys wishing to qualify for the AIC Swimming Team. There is no obligation to attend AIC meets in Term 1 2022. 


Boys attending these sessions will need to bring the following equipment.

  • Goggles
  • Kickboard
  • Pull Buoy
  • Short Flippers 
  • Mesh Bag

 For further details please contact: