Mission News
Mr Luke McMahon
Mission News
Mr Luke McMahon
The Way, The Truth, The Life (John 14:6)
You are the Way
You are the bridge between earth and heaven
between the smallness of self and the greatness of God.
You are the path we follow and can never lose because it lies in our hearts.
You are the mountain, the valley, the rough and the smooth.
You are all points of the compass.
You are the Truth
You have planted your truth within us, the same truth for all people.
Each of us is a different container and we wrap you in different ways
according to our culture and our customs of worship, - be in our diversity
You are our common language and when we meet you in each other
there is recognition and rejoicing, for truth always knows truth.
You are the Life
And there is no life without you for you are the substance and breath of all things.
Your life grows within and around us, The movement of sap in our seasons,
The ebb and flow of our tides.
You are the living and the knowing of living which we carry with us through the doorway of death.
You who are the Way,
The Truth and the Life,
Gift us with the vision to always see you in all things.
Author Unknown
May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen
Welcome to the 2022 school year from the RE department!
This year, the RE department teaching team is excited to continue recontextualising the Brisbane Archdiocese Religion curriculum to support students in their learning. We are also looking forward to integrating this year’s Marist theme ‘Known and Loved: Dignity for All’ into each program.
The junior curriculum not only allows students to engage critically with beliefs and values, and therefore develop their higher-level thinking skills, but also allows students to develop important literacy skills in their reading and writing on the subject. The religious life of the school is integrated in this, giving students encouragement to participate in service activities, liturgies, and support the mission and values of Marist.
Alongside Study of Religion and Religion and Ethics in the senior years, a pilot program, Religion, Meaning and Life, begins this year. This integrates class work with self-directed learning and service-learning. All of these programs allow students to analyse and evaluate the ways in which religious adherents find meaning and purpose in life through their religious traditions.
This year, we welcome back to the RE team staff who taught RE in 2021. Alana Armitage, Daniel Bull, Claire Fitzpatrick, Peter Gaiter, Brett Gillett, Luke McMahon, Andrew McTaggart, Joshua Mulligan, Doug Perrers, Peter Serone, Caroline Smith, Madonna Spillane, Gary Stickley, and Shane Ward.
We welcome some other Marist teachers to the 2022 team: Ryan Apps, Ty Casey, Michael Connolly, Pierce Hardy, Gerard Monsour, Camilla Sedgwick, Jasmine Wilton, Brad Winchester.
We also welcome Lucia Del Vecchio back from leave and Colleen Robertson from the UK. We wish Kate Moore all the best as she goes on leave in a couple of weeks.
We look forward to an exciting year of learning!
Game Changers will continue in 2022 for students in all year levels. Meetings will commence later in Term 1. For more information, or to sign up, please contact Mr Burns.
For more information or to sign up please contact Mr Adam Burns (Youth Minister): burnsa@marash.qld.edu.au.