What’s on in BEST this week?

Year 7
Over the past two weeks in Year 7 BEST, students have been exploring what Science is all about. Together with their Learning Teams, they have brainstormed skills that all scientists need and investigated different fields of scientists. This week the Year 7s were introduced to the BEST laboratories and learnt about the important safety rules to follow when working in these labs. Our Year 7s are looking forward to next week when they will learn how to use all of the different lab equipment (and most importantly…the Bunsen Burner!) Take a look at some of the safety posters created by 7A below! We have also included a link to our Lab Safety Song, created by Mr Robinson.
Year 8
Over the past two weeks in Year 8 BEST, students have been exploring the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures and learnt how elements are arranged on the Periodic Table. They have enjoyed making models of different types of molecules using our Atomic Model sets. Towards the end of Week 3, students were asked to use their new knowledge to act as a forensic scientist and determine the culprit of a murder case. They conducted a series of experiments on a range of different substances and formed their own opinion on the case. We have loved watching how engaged our Year 8s have been in the lab and are looking forward to more experiments in the upcoming weeks!
Year 9 and 10 Specialisms
The Year 9 and 10 BEST specialisms are well and truly underway. Some highlights from the first three weeks include:
- Marine Sanctuary – a successful first snorkelling trip down at Ricketts Point (see next page!)
- DNA to Dinosaurs – the BioEyes Incursion
- Cooking with Chemistry – baking and decorating models of the Periodic Table
- Survival Skills - using their understanding of chemistry to analyse an emergency fire-starting technique using steel wool
The BEST Team