2022 BSC Clubs

BSC Clubs Timetable

Our highly committed staff provide our students with an extensive range of lunchtime, before and after school clubs. The Semester 1 timetable and more information on some of the clubs can be found below.

MONDAYGym ProgramBefore schoolFitness Centre
Japanese ConversationLunch 1S17
Marine AmbassadorsLunch 1/Lunch 2B2
Media ClubLunch 1/Lunch 2B12
VCE Maths SupportLunch 1/Lunch 2S15A
VCE Biology Study GroupLunch 1S16
Home Learning ClubAfter school (3.15 – 4.15pm)B13
TUESDAYGym ProgramBefore schoolFitness Centre
Art Club – All Year LevelsLunch 1/Lunch 2B9/B10
Movie Club – Year 9/10/11Lunch 1/Lunch 2R17
Type Club - Year 9/10/11 Lunch 1/Lunch 2B8
Pride Collective Lunch 2R3
Table Top GamesLunch 2R11
Home Learning ClubAfter school (3.15 – 4.15pm)B13
WEDNESDAYGym ProgramBefore schoolFitness Centre
African DrummingBefore schoolW4
Maths SupportLunch 1/Lunch 2S15A
Art Club – VCELunch 1/Lunch 2B10
Bus Man Study ClubLunch 1S7
String EnsembleLunch 1/Lunch 2W2
Work Experience SupportLunch 1/Lunch 2S2
Year 7 Lunchtime ClubLunch 2B1
E-SportsLunch1/ Lunch 2R11
Book ClubLunch 2Library/R21
Wind BandLunch1W4
Home Learning ClubAfter school (3.15 – 4.15pm)B13





Gym ProgramBefore schoolFitness Centre
Careers ClubLunch 1/Lunch 2Careers Room
Electronics Lunch 1Workshop 2
French ConversationLunch 1R23
Lego RoboticsLunch 1S3
VCD Open StudioLunch 2R19
Vocal GroupLunch 2W5
Guitar EnsembleLunch 2W2/4
Green Fingers TeamLunch 1/Lunch 2B1
FRIDAYGym ProgramBefore schoolFitness Centre
Maths SupportLunch 1/Lunch 2S15A
Music Appreciation SocietyLunch 2W4
Open WorkshopLunch 1/Lunch 2Workshop 1
VCE Media SupportLunch 1B12
Chess clubLunch 1S9 Balcony
DebatingLunch 1/Lunch 2S11

Art Club

Art Club is Back! Running every Tuesday lunchtime in B10 for all year levels. Please come along and unleash your creativity!


A Senior Art Club session will be running Wednesday lunchtime for all the VCE Create Students undertaking a Create Visual VCE subjects.  


The Create Visual Team is also in need of donations, we are looking for old newspapers and magazines. As well as, working hair dryers or working radios that need a new home. We appreciate our community’s support. The Create Visual Team cannot wait to see what our students create this year in Art Club!

French Conversation Club

French Club is now running Thursday 1:05-1:35pm, for all French students! This is a great opportunity for the Year 11s to practice their French skills in speaking general conversation with their peers, myself and students in other year levels. It is also a way for our native French students to engage in the school community and allows all students to engage in French culture. 


We will run games, watch French movies, classic and modern, and share our love of French. It is also a space for students to bring questions, homework and problems they may need extra help with. Our first lunchtime club in week 2 allowed our Year 10 students to share their love and interest in French music!

Media Club

Media Club is a fun club for anyone with an interest in all things media. Whether that be making films, podcasts, documentaries, animation or radio, we have something for you!


Join Ms Schepisi and Mr Slocum in B12 on a Monday lunchtime to see how we can support you with your interests in this awesome area.

LEGO Robotics Club

Friendly competition is at the heart of FIRST LEGO League Challenge, as teams of students ages 9-16 engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering – building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a Robot Game. As part of Challenge, teams also participate in an Innovation Project to identify and solve a relevant real-world problem.


The Lego Robotics Club runs every Thursday from 1:05 to 1:35 in S3.  Please contact Mr Scully for further information.

Chess Club

Whether you are a total beginner wanting to learn the ropes (and it is quite easy to learn) or a chess master looking to destroy Mr R-B, this is the club for you!





Green Fingers Group

Interested in growing a better world? Have some horticulture skills to share? Have a better name than Green Fingers? Meet this Thursday lunchtime to see if this club can grow.




Book Club

Bring along a book at lunchtime to read and be ready to share your passion for all things books and reading!






Beaumaris Music Appreciation Society

Have you ever listened to a song that gave you chills? Was there a line that really resonated with you? Have you found a unique band that nobody else has heard? Ever written your own music?


At BMAS, we celebrate diversity of musical talent, ability and tastes, across every genre. Share your favourite music with others, and broaden your musical exploration with other like-minded students.

VCE Biology Study Club


All VCE Biology students are invited to join the VCE Biology Study Club each Monday lunchtime! Each week, you will be able to:

  • ask ANY questions and get clarification of content
  • get additional help with completing set work
  • learn study techniques & revise for upcoming SACs
  • be set challenges and extend your understanding in VCE Biology

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Please note that parental permission will be sought to watch some of the movies.