Principal's Report

We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 7 - 9 parents tomorrow night (22 February 6 - 7pm) for our 'Meet the GOAL Mentor Evening'. The evening will include an opportunity to tour our wonderful new learning spaces, some of which are pictured below.
Buildings & Grounds Update
The grass on the corner of Balcombe and Reserve Roads has been re-seeded, the portables have been removed from the carpark and the tiered seating in the gym is being installed.
2022 School Council Election
The list of candidates and nominators for parent representatives will be posted on Compass by Wednesday 23 February 2022. Ballot papers will be mailed home this week, if a ballot is required, and will be due back by 4pm on Monday 7 March. Thank you to all the parents and students who continue to support our school.
Student-free Days
A Curriculum Day will be held on Wednesday 6 April and Parent Student Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 28 April.
Debby Chaves