Middle School

Middle School Elective Golf Report 

During weeks 5-8 of Term 3, the Middle School Elective class participated in Golf. The class were given basic tips when hitting a golf ball with a golf club:

  • Keep their eyes on the ball.
  • Have a practice swing, making sure they the carpet.
  • Keep their body close to the ball.
  • Continue the follow through after they had hit the ball.

Their lessons at school focussed on developing the basic golf skills of hitting and chipping with a variety of soft golf balls. As their skills improved the class used golf tees and hit the golf balls using a tee. This was easier than hitting off the ground.

These lessons were building up to a session at the Uralla Golf Club, using proper golf balls!

On Monday 17 September, the students had their lesson at the Uralla Golf Club. They were put into 4 groups with 4 activities to complete.

  • Hitting with a 5 or 6 iron (known as long irons), hitting long shots down the fairway.
  • Two groups of chipping (to hit over water or sand bunkers) using a sand wedge or pitching iron. These clubs only hit the ball 25-50 metres, but have greater loft so they go higher in the air.
  • Putting on the green to the hole. Using a putter. Students tried to work out how hard to hit the ball with their putter so that the ball made it close to the hole so that their second putt was easier to get the ball in the hole.

Kynene won the longest driving completion. Bethany was good at chipping the ball. Zack really enjoyed the putting.

We would like to thank Mrs Hobbs, Mr Sims, Rowan and Bruce from the Uralla Golf Club. They gave us the opportunity to try a sport that we had never really thought about playing before. We had a great time at the Golf Club.

Report by  Zack, Hollie & Rachael


Writing and Illustrating Children's Books

Miss Targett’s Year 7/8 Humanities class have been lucky enough to have Miss Kohne, an American prac teacher, come into our class and teach for the past few weeks. She set a project for the students to write and illustrate a story book suited for the Kindergarten class. We asked the Kindergarten kids what kind of books they would like; and read some popular children’s books to get ideas.

The books turned out great! They went down to visit Kindergarten on Thursday afternoon to read them their special stories. Kindergarten loved being read to and being visited by Year 7/8. The Middle School students should be so proud of their stories, they are fantastic!