Junior School

Fire fighter's Visit

On Friday Junior School had a visit  from the Uralla Fire Brigade. We learnt about fire safety and how to 'Get down low and go, go, go'. We even got to practice this with the Firemen. We got to look at the trucks and use the hoses to blast over some cones. We learnt about the different types of protective gear that they wear for different fires. We talked about unsafe fires and what we should do in an emergency. It was a lot of fun and we got our own 'fire fighter' hats

Kindergarten Rubies - Farms

Kindergarten Rubies have spent the term learning about farms. They have been looking at farm animals and food and spent Friday working on harvesting food and making their own recess and lunch. The children enjoyed dressing up as farmers for the day and were excellent chefs in the kitchen. Well done Kinder Rubies!