Around The School

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all our students, parents, carers, friends, teachers and staff a very Merry Christmas and a safe and enjoyable holiday!  

Return to School Dates - 2019


Staff Development Day - Tuesday 29 January.

Year 1 - Academy students return to school on Wednesday 30 January.

Kindergarten students return to school on Monday 4 February.

2018 Photos.

A small collection of some of the interesting and exciting activites, excursions and events that took place at Uralla Central School in 2018.

Careers Information

This semester has seen our Year 9 and 10 students given the opportunity to undertake a number of activities to further advance their decisions associated with their future vocation.


School to Work Program


Nine students have undertaken extended periods of work experience with businesses in our community. This program has provided students with the opportunity to gain skills in their chosen industry. We would like to thank the staff at Mc Maugh Gardens Aged Care, Dales Downtown Meats, FoodWorks, Uralla Food Bank, Tom and Rachel Rummery for providing the opportunity for our students and for their support and guidance, they have given these students.


Work Experience


27 of our students undertook work experience throughout the New England region. This has led to 2 of our students being offered School Based Apprenticeships and a number of students with part-time jobs.

Once again, this program could not run without the support of parents and businesses willing to supervise a student for 3 to 5 days. I would like to thank McMaugh Gardens, Stewart Blake, GA & SJ Swilk’s Floor Coverings, Super Moto, Uniplan, Sports UNE, Armidale Golf Club, Cooper and Co, Wrench King, Grant McCarroll Ford, our Junior School teachers, Legal Minds Armidale, Toby Smith, PCYC, Black Dot, Power House Boutique Hotel, Attitude Horse Floats, Tony Williams Machinery, 2V Diesel, Radio Shack and Neil Howards Electrical.

I would also like to thank Paul Byrne for conducting the ‘White Card’ course so that our students could complete their work experience on building sites.


Guest Speakers


We have been very fortunate to have members of our community willing to come in and talk about their chosen vocation and ‘skill sets’ that students will require to excel in their industry. The frankness and honesty of our guest speakers has been very insightful and broadened our student’s perceptions and options.  It was great to welcome back a number of our guest speakers where ex-students from Uralla Central School. A huge thank you to Holly Currie representing Acier Engineering, Karen Anderson from Community Health, David Munsie from NSW Police Force, Simon Scott from Scotts Photographics, Juliette Kaberry from Kaberry Family Law, Nik Stojanovic from the Dental clinic at Armidale Hospital, Australian Defence Force, Renee from Renee's Hair Studio and Melissa Bell from UNE.


School Based Apprenticeships


Congratulations to Charlie Williamson who will be commencing his school based apprenticeship with 2V Diesel in the new year.