Principal's Report

If no mistake you have made, but losing you are. A different game you should play.

Yoda, Jedi Master  896BBY-4ABY

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everybody in our community.

Like all years there have been highs and lows, the trick of course is to maximise the highs, even things out a bit and otherwise be on an ever upward trajectory. I have been particularly proud of our students, staff and community and the way in which we have carried ourselves through the various trials and tribulations that 2018 has flung before us - in the end it is about being able to look back, reflect and in all honesty be able to say that we have indeed learned, that we are indeed better people for our collective experiences.

I once again congratulate all of our Academy students on their collective HSC results. There is never any shame in saying that we want to see 'better' results for all of our students and there is no doubt that in particular areas we all need to do a better job. We continue to work towards pushing more of our students into the higher bands of achievement and about 45% of results this year were Band 4 and above. There were some particularly outstanding results  with for the second time in three years Band 6s being achieved by students after none being achieved in nearly 10 years.

I don't want to make this a long article so will just finish by thanking everybody again for your support and efforts in regard to our school. I would make special note of Hannah Grills who will not be rejoining us in 2019. Hannah has been an outstanding member of our staff and we wish her well at Martins Gully PS. Finally, could I also make special note of Mark Wittig. Mark has been a pillar of our learning community for the better part of four decades and today will be his last day of service. Mark will be going on leave pending retirement from the beginning of next year and I wish to very publicly thank him for all of his tireless efforts over the years and generations in the service of the men and women of Uralla and Uralla Central School. Mark is a fine man, a sterling teacher who has never failed to Stand Tall and Walk Proud. He will be missed. 

Until next year have a wonderful break with your friends and family and we'll see you all again on Wednesday 30 January. As always cherish your children and drive safely.

The capacity to learn is a gift;

The ability to learn is a skill;

The willingness to learn is a choice.

Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Author of Dune