Visual Arts 

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman 


​Visual Arts Teachers

Progress on the Mosaic by Year 6 students


Last week, the students began placing and glueing the tiles onto our mosaic and already, the design by Monica, Shakked and Jason, is coming to life. You are welcome to come into the art room and see their progress.

Year 6 students reflect on their 7 years of Visual Arts at Kingswood PS.


I have enjoyed making and showing off my art. It has been very fun getting to learn new art styles. I have really loved Art at Kingswood. Sam, 6S

Visual Arts to me means a time to express feelings, and paint the words like the rainbow does. Art is not for everyone, but it definitely is a subject everybody can do. Ever since Prep, I’ve been drawn to Art and learnt new things every lesson. Over the years, I’ve grown more fond of drawing and painting, getting inspired by different unique masterpieces made by different artists. Just with a pencil and paper, you can do so much! Us children are so lucky to have a great teacher to learn from. Hayley 6S

For me, Art (even though I haven't been here for the past 7 years) is a place to express your feelings in a creative way. It's a place for me to find happiness even in the toughest times. It has taught me different techniques and what to utilise! Amara 6W

To be creative and use your imagination in your artwork.

I was not good Visual Arts 7 years ago but now I have gotten better. Lukas 6W

Over the past seven years of Art at Kingswood, art has been the special thing that we only got to do once a week that I would always look forward to. It’s been an amazing experience and I’ve loved learning all the life skills Mrs Eeckman has taught us. Maddie 6B

  • I like art because it can bring a little bit of creativity out of me. Noah 6B

Year 3 and 4

The year 3 and 4 students have been looking at an art form called 'Mola' from the country of Panama. We have discovered that the women of Panama create these designs onto clothing based on animals, flowers and sea creatures. The students were focussing on the element of 'shape' and the principle of 'contrast' when choosing their colours. An element is what we use to make art and a principle is how we do it.

Year 4T


Year 4C

Year 4A