
Aaron Cox 




Quadrangle Update


Students from Years 2-5, Parent Club and teachers have been invited to participate in the process of selecting various games to be installed on and around the new quadrangle in January in preparation for the 2020 school year. The results will be shared with students and the design company to find the best fit based on the selections.

Annual Implementation Plan Update


This week we met with our School Educational Improvement Leader (SEIL) to look back over our 2019 goals and targets. Whilst not meeting all of our goals to our satisfaction, our SEIL could clearly see that we are strategically setting ourselves up for greater success in 2020 and beyond. Just like private industry we have key improvement goals and expectations that must be met every year.

Curriculum Days 2020


To support forward planning the following dates have been approved by School Council for 2020 as Curriculum Days (student free days):

•      28th January (Tuesday) - Whole staff meeting and team meetings focusing on school values and priorities for 2020.     

•      21st February (Friday) - Ron Ritchhart from Harvard University - ‘Creating Cultures of Thinking’ whole day professional development.     

•      24th February (Monday) - Whole school professional development day focusing on curriculum understanding, data literacy and wellbeing.

•      18th December (Friday) - A new approach in preparation for 2021. Staff will create Professional Development Plans for the 2021 school year on this day. 

This will mean that staff will start in 2021 with their key performance plans in place from day one. This will also mean that the last school day for students will be Thursday, 17th December at 3:30pm.

Social Media Campaign


Imagine Kingswood with its own full-size sports hall that doubles as a theatre servicing our local sporting community and local school productions. This could become a reality for Kingswood if we are engaged. We would like to position ourselves as a community hub but to do this we need community support. Passionate parents of Kingswood have created and engaged in a positive campaign called #kingswoodcounts that supports all investment in government education across the state. Add your voice of support by liking posts you see on our parent social media pages. It takes very little effort for a possible huge return for our community. #kingswoodprimarycounts

2020 Clases


PLCs are currently working on class grouping for 2020. Numerous factors go into creating classes, maybe many more than parents realise. Parents will find out which class their child is in and who their teacher will be on our whole school transition day on Tuesday 10th December. The vast majority of children will be excited, however, inevitably, there will be a few disappointed students and parents. It is what you do next that is important. Sending an email to the school at 4.00pm on the 10th of December is not managing or indeed modelling one’s impulsivity. Experience tells me, relax, breathe, wait before deciding to contact the school. Usually, the children bounce back using resilience strategies and seeing the positives over the next few days and this is what we should be hoping for in the development of our children as independent beings.