Stephanie Alexander Kitchen 


Sonia Nista - Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Specialist

We have now completed 2 menus in Term 3, working on lunches and dinners. The students' portfolios are now filling up with loads of lovely recipes they will be able to re-create at home from their experiences in the Stephanie Alexander program here at Kingswood Primary School. At the end of Term Four these will be sent home with the students for them to keep. At the end of the year they will have completed 3 breakfast menus, various Lunch/Dinner menus, and perhaps a few healthy but tasty treats as well.

I would like to say a huge thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who continue to give up their free time to help in our kitchen classroom; without them we are unable to create these amazing dishes for the students to experience and enjoy.

For those who may be interested in volunteering in our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program, please pop in and see Alba or myself. It really is lots of fun and extremely rewarding.

Another big thank you goes out to our sponsor, Planet Hope, a locally owned and operated business who specialise in chemical free cleaning products.

Our final menu for Term 3 begins in week 7, and will be home-made pasta, yum!