Visual Arts

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teachers
SketchbookX Digital Art on iPads
During Term Three the students have been hard at work using a drawing App on their iPads called SketchbookX. It is a multi-layered App which allows the children to focus on the different parts of the image such as background and foreground separately, then combine into one complete image.
We learnt two different styles of digital art: triangulating an image, which is very popular and on-trend at the moment, and spray painting with a reverse background for constrast. Using an iPad is just another form of Visual Arts which develops all the same type of skills such as colours, shape, balance and space.
Many famous artists are creating artwork using the digital form such as David Hockney. Can you see the excellent monochromatic cat that has been triangulated and the beautifully spraypainted butterfly showing excellent contrast of colour.
Please continue to save these items for the Art Room
1. Cardboard 1 litre milk cartons - washed please
2. Moccona jar lids
3. Clear plastic round or rectangular take-away containers - washed please
4. Flower boxes
5. Lindt Ball chocolate boxes