RACV Energy Breakthrough

KPS Shooting Stars
Hi my name is Chris.
I’m part of the 2017 RACV Energy Breakthrough team for Kingswood. On curriculum day when we all weren’t at school our team, the Shooting Stars, met to plan our presentation for assembly and to think more about the big event in November. We have continued with our weekend practices at Braeside Park and in our most recent practice we all got to have a go driving in the car (human powered vehicle or HPV).
We all had to adjust to the new riding style because you lay down in the vehicle and pedal instead of sitting up like on a bike. Unlike a bike, the HPV has three wheels, two at the front and one at the back and you steer by moving two joysticks.
We are continuing to learn about the rules for the race and safety. Everyone wears a helmet, glasses and gloves to ride the HPV. Some of the team have been creating designs for the artwork on the outside of the vehicle and we all get to vote on which one we like the best. You can follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with everything we’re doing leading up to our race in Maryborough www.facebook.com/kpsshootingstars.