Year 7 Activity Day

Jessica Ramos

Year 7 Activity Day 2019

On Tuesday March 12, the Year 7 students participated in an Activity Day on the College grounds. The activities were led by the Years 11 and 12 students (coaches) in Mr Ford’s and Mr Price’s Certificate II and III Sport and Recreation classes.


The aim of the day was for students to develop positive relationships with their peers as they have shared the transition from primary school into secondary school. They also had the opportunity to get to know and learn from the Years 11 and 12 coaches, who led the activities.


As part of their program, the Years 11 and 12 coaches planned, organised and trialled different activities and skills needed to coach the Year 7 students. On the day, the Year 7 students participated in a variety of activities requiring teamwork, trust building, problem-solving and communication.


While being beneficial and great fun for the Year 7 students, it was also a positive experience for the Years 11 and 12 coaches to display their leadership skills. So well done to all students. I am so proud of you all.

A big thank you to the Years 11 and 12 coaches, Mr Ford and Mr Price. Thank you to staff who helped out on the day including Mrs Morris, Miss Gardner, Mr Ah Fong, Mr McGrath, Mr Gherardi, Mr D’Souza and Mr Eddy. Thank you also to Mr Biddle and Jessica Ramos (Media Captain) for taking photos during the day.

Student Comments

I think that the Year 7 Activity Day is a fantastic activity that Year 7s get to do, and I really think that it's a great opportunity for you to meet more people and learn about each other. I especially like how we had our Year 11s and 12s run all the games throughout the day. I enjoyed the day a lot and I think it was great and I'm sure everyone else did too.

(Patrick Costantino, P2)


I liked the Year 7 Activity Day because it was fun and I enjoyed all of the fun activities. What I also liked was the shared lunch because we would never usually get pizza from the school for lunch. I mostly liked activity day because we got to earn each other’s trust and make new friends.  (Ashton Ricafranca, T4)


I think the activity day was a great way for the students to get to know each other. Even the older kids were keen on participating in the games. It was also a great time for you to meet other children in Year 7. After the first couple of games everyone ignored that they didn't have anyone they knew in the group and worked together to complete the challenges. Overall it was a fun day which has taken away the fear of starting high school. 

(Amal Suresh, X2)


I liked how I could bond and learn about new people. I also liked how the Year 12s and 11s were nice and caring to us and were not bossy. All the activities were fun and some of them were about learning the other students’ names and what they like to do in their free time. 

(Claudia Valentino, X3)


Year 7 Activity Day was one of the best days of the year. Values that we showed were encouragement, friendliness, and team contribution. Something extremely positive is that the school provided pizza and cordial! Also the funniest thing is that Miss Abel got hit in the head in dodgeball! For me the water challenge was the best. 

(Kien Nguyen, P1)


I enjoyed the Activity Day on Tuesday, I found it fun, I got to meet new people that I haven't met before, and I also got to show a bit of my personality to other people. I also learnt some new things about others too. 

(Ella Hackett, M7)


I liked making new friends and having fun in the activities. 

(Joshua Welsh, M4)


I enjoyed having people that I didn’t really know in my team, so that I could get to know them. I enjoyed the games (especially the ones where water was involved) and having some kids I knew, so I didn’t feel out of place. Thanks for the enjoyable time. 

(Madeline Dhillon, K4)


I found the activity day great fun. I liked how we could bond with the Year 12s and 11s, and how they came up with fun and creative games. I like how we got to meet other students, make new friends and work together. 

(Sienna Bien, T7)


Year 7 Activity Day was great fun! We all got to make new friends and developed positive relationships with everyone! 

(Rainielle Micosa, P2)


I liked the pizza, tug of war and dodge ball the most. Thanks for everything. 

(Joshua Mathew, K4)


I really enjoyed the pizza and all the games. Thank you very much.  (Travis Williams, M4)


The Year 7 Activity Day is a great opportunity to not only meet new people and make new friends but to meet all the Year 11s and 12s, who you know you can go to when you have a problem or need advice. It was just really fun and hilarious!!​ 

(Isabella Zeeb, M1)


Miss C Abel (Head of Year 7)