Education in Faith

Sacrament of First Eucharist
Most of the Year 4 students attending Galilee are continuing to be involved in lessons and activities to prepare to receive their First Eucharist either at school, at home and at church. The students attending the preparation classes at OLMC will be receiving the sacrament this Saturday evening at 6:00pm. We wish them and their families God's very best! Please continue to keep these students in your prayers.
A prayer for our First Eucharist candidates
"May your First Communion celebrate your friendship with Jesus.
As you grow in this friendship may your words be gentle and your touch be kind.
May you hear whispers of Love in your heart each day.
May you have fun in discovering God hidden everywhere!
And, may you remember to thank God often for the gift of life."
Eucharist Reflection Day
On Friday May 24th, the students at Galilee attended a Eucharist Reflection Day at school organised by their teachers and Father Dean in preparation for receiving this sacrament for the first time. They completed a series of rotations which included the signs and symbols used in the Mass, the parts of The Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the responses and how the students receive Holy Communion-and that was only in Father Dean's section! Phew!
With Mr. Coaley and Miss Hall, the students studied the parable of the Good Samaritan and how to live Eucharistically. With Miss Carnovale and our parent helper, Tajana De Stoop, the students baked scones in the staffroom making links between the Last Supper and sharing a meal. With Mrs. Rochecouste, the Year 4 students studied Luke 9 where Jesus fed the 5000. The students explored how Jesus fed them with a miracle and how he feeds us with His Word, His love and that Jesus is the Bread of Life. The students contributed to the creation of a poster in the school hall.
After lunch Father Dean led benediction and adoration and the students spent quality time in the church quietly praying and reflecting. Many students elected to go to Reconciliation during this time. Then we came back to school to eat our homemade scones, YUM!
Overall the Eucharist Reflection Day was enjoyed by all! I'd sincerely like to thank the Year 4 students for their participation and preparation. I'd also like to thank Mr. Coaley, Miss Hall and Miss Carnovale for all they did to make the day a resounding success. I'd especially like to thank Father Dean for being with us the entire day as was Tajana de Stoop. Their generosity of time, commitment and kindness in much appreciated by us all!
First Eucharist preparations
Please note the following details for Eucharist preparation at Sts PP:
Saturday June 1st-Eucharist Preparation Day-11:30-7pm
Sunday June 23rd-10:00am-Sacrament of First Eucharist-10:00am-Sacrament of First Eucharist
Please note the following details for Eucharist preparation at OLMC:
Saturday June 1st-6:00pm-Sacrament of First Eucharist
Feast Day of Sts Peter and Paul
30 June - Whole School family Mass to celebrate the Feast day of Sts. PP @ 10:00am
We would like to invite the whole Galilee school community to celebrate this Mass. We'd love to see you there.
Laudato Si
Further to the students' studies in Religious Education and STEM this term, many of the grades have been exploring what Pope Francis says about 'Caring for our Common Home' in his encyclical titled 'Laudato Si.' You might like to watch the short video with your family in the link below from CAFOD-Catholic Agency for Overseas Development: 'Laudato Si animation for children'
What are your thoughts? Do you know if any other major world religions have similar beliefs? You might like to compare the Catholic beliefs of 'Caring for our Common Home' with those of our Australian indigenous people.
Below is a link to a song composed by a Catholic singer/songwriter Andrew Chinn, thanking God for 'Our Common Home' and all God created.