Principal's Report

Dear Families,
Today I braved the cold during recess to walk outside and observe the students interacting with each other. Some like to talk, others joining in creative play and many to participate in sporting activities.
I immediately noticed the new basketball rings being used by a number of students that seemed to ease congestion.
However, what I noticed above all else was the way the students were using the equipment without any adult intervention. All three rings had students lining up patiently but excitedly. They were politely taking turns, encouraging each other and collecting misplaced balls.
The students knew how to work cooperatively to make it an enjoyable experience for all.
When I was at school the students sat in individual desks and were generally discouraged from talking or working together.
Today we recognise that students learn from each other as well as from the teacher (and self-discovery). Our furniture is desgined for students to work together and be comfortable. Furniture on its own does not lead to collaboration and requires strategies to be taught. Being a Catholic school, the students are immersed in a culture where the sacred rights of each person is to be respected.
At Galilee, we are aiming to develop the strategies for lifelong learners. It is wonderful to see the strategies taught in classrooms being transferred to other settings.
School Closure Day
As stated previously, tomorrow is a school closure day for students. This will allow our whole staff along with Trinity, Richmond to participate in a full day of Professional Learning together. Our focus for the day will be the Berry Street Educational Model.
PE change
Year 6F need to wear their Sport Uniform next Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Year 2C need to wear their Sport Uniform next Tuesday.
Building News
Above is confirmation by the State Education Minister that $5 million has been allocated for Galilee's building project.
Community Conversations Term 2
We would like to invite you to a Community Conversations to hear your thoughts on Galilee in a scope of areas.
In Term 4 2018, there were a number of suggestions made by parents on how to make our great school greater. Those who attended that meeting are strongly encouraged to come as well as any other parents in the school that is interested in these actions. It is an opportunity to share the ideas from 2018 and also the course of actions that we have already taken as a result of the meeting.
This will be an informal conversation with the main purpose of sharing responses from the last meeting and seeing where we are heading with other actions that are being put in place for 2019.
Having our parent’s input is important so please join us on Monday 3rd June from 9-10am in the Hall for a morning tea and discussion.
Please RSVP your attendance on the Caremonkey request.
School Captains' Report
Being Late To School
Being late to school has a big impact on Galilee. At Galilee, over 40 people are usually late each day. This isn’t very good because when someone late comes into the class everyone can get distracted. One student said that people coming in late distracts her from her work ethic. This is sometimes disruptive in a classroom. Sometimes, a class might have to wait for a person who came late to finish their work. This is not helping the students learning time who come at the right time. Learning time for a specific area (e.g Writing, Maths or Spelling) is limited with all the things we do here, this in general, is not helping anyone. Sometimes people might have an appointment or they have a flat tire on their car. These reasons are okay because you were held back because of an important reason.
Achievements And Stories Of The Students.
The Confident Girls Foundation
Bridget S in 6B is doing a fundraiser for the ‘Confident Girls Foundation’. The ‘Confident Girls Foundation’ raises money for girls that aren’t as lucky as us across Australia. Each week in Bridget’s netball game some of her family members are going to donate $1 for each goal she scores. In two games Bridget has raised $115! Bridget’s goal is to raise at least $150. If you would like to donate to the Confident Girls Foundation press the link below:, you can then scroll down to find Bridget Slattery. After, click on her and select the amount that you would like to donate. It does not have to just be for Bridget’s goals that she scores, anyone can just make a donation no matter what the size for this wonderful charity. Below you will see where the money that you donate goes:
$20- provides netball equipment and learning materials.
$50- supports the attendance of one girl at a mentoring and leadership program.
$100- helps a girl to participate in an empowerment program.
$200- provides a visiting mentor to discuss; perseverance, determination and achieving your dreams.
$250- provides a community clinic for 10 girls.
Thanks for helping Bridget to support vulnerable girls across Australia!
Tivona D in 6F participated on the 18th and 19th of May, at the Bendigo Piano Eisteddfod, unfortunately it was her birthday on the 19th but it was a good opportunity to perform in front of people. She competed in five competitions and came second in 'songs from musicals/movies,' she played Hedwig's Theme from the Harry Potter movies. Additionally, she came first in 'Quick Study Solo' where she had to play a piece that the adjudicator chose and had two weeks to 'study' it, the piece was called For Children Volume 2 Sz. 42 by Bela Bartok. Tivona has worked very hard for this achievement and has done an amazing job!
Straw-Free School Idea
By Violet Sive and Grace
Hi Parents,
We have had an idea about becoming a straw-free school. We have printed out sheets that your children’s class SRC have brought to your classroom to collect data about how many straws Galilee uses in a year. We are aiming to become a straw-free school if this idea works out we will try to move on to other bad plastic resources such as plastic wrap.
We hope it will all work out because we have done some research about how plastic hurts sea turtles and almost all types of sea turtles are endangerd. With your help we can help the planet and hopefully stop pollution.
Student Led Conferences
On Monday 24 and Wednesday 26 June, Student Led Conferences will be held. Both parent/s and student attend the conference on one afternoon. An email will be sent out with instructions on how to book your conference time and date soon. Please note students will finish school at 1.40pm on Monday 24th June. The conferences are for 15 minutes (5 minutes for Reports and 10 minutes for Student Led conversations).
MONDAY 24 Conferences held from 2pm-7pm, students finish school at 1.40pm
WEDNESDAY 26 Conferences held 2pm-5pm, students finish normal 3.25pm
Big Breakfast
Thankyou to Maria who invited myself and Miss Carnovale to the Big Breakfast held at the South Melbourne Market in front of her store, Pieno Grazia. We supported a worthy cause and established greater links with the market that may lead to learning visits by our students.
Battle of the Bands
Congratulations to the DOGS who participated recently in Battle of The Bands, finishing fourth. Also, to our mums who sang an Acknowledgement of Country. It was a wonderful community event with a large amount of Galilee parents in attendance.
Eucharist Reflection Day
Last Friday our Year 4 students participated in a wonderful Eucharist Reflection Day. Thank you to all of the staff and parents who assisted with Fr Dean.
Basketball Rings
Thank you to Miss Burke who has ordered new sports equipment for the students to utilise during recess and lunch times. Today we have seen new portable basketball rings on the main playground and in Learning Street together with soccer goals. The students are enjoying the equipment in a respectful and sharing manner. It has also eased congestion on the Basketball Court as students are spread over the school playing basketball.
2018 Annual Report
Principal’s Report
Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School is an outstanding school that provides a high quality of education for our students evidenced by a number of achievements in 2018. We have a group of highly dedicated and caring staff who are committed to the students and developing our Catholic ethos. We are truly fortunate to work with such a wonderful cohort of students who demonstrate a care of each other and willingness to learn. Their enthusiasm and respectful behaviour are a credit to themselves and their families. Our parents are involved in many ways and contribute daily to the school with their time and skills. Parental involvement is expected and appreciated at Galilee. There is a real and active partnership between our parents and the school and I would like to commend them on all for what they have done over this past year. We pride ourselves on our close connections within the school and our local area.
Our school motto, In Christ we Live, Love and Learn continues to capture our vision of preparing our students to be lifelong learners that are ready to embrace the future and be tomorrow’s leaders. We look forward to continuing to deliver a high quality Catholic education to our families. We have a strong ethos, great staff, supportive community and fantastic students.
In 2018, Galilee implemented the first year of our School Improvement Plan following an external Review in 2017. We have continued to work very hard to ensure ongoing improvement through various new initiatives. A very high priority has been the implementation of Learning Framework in Number and Daily 5 in English. While we provide a broad and diverse curriculum, we have a strong emphasis on: English, Mathematics, Religious Education, Student Wellbeing and The Arts.
New Major Events
Our students have a broad interest in Performing Arts and in 2018 we introduced a highly professional musical, led by Miss Carmen Carnovale. We chose The Lion King Junior and it show-cased the talents of our students, dedication of staff and involvement of parents.
We held a Sustainability Market that involved the whole school and the local community. Importantly it provided a purpose and action from the students’ learning. It was superbly led by the Community Partnership/STEM leaders: Miss Brighid Fahy and Miss Holly Evans.
Despite the opening of a new school nearby with another to follow in 2019, we had a large increase in applications hoping to attend Prep at Galilee in 2019. As a result, we made the decision to enrol three Prep classes providing a Catholic education for more students.
The Building Sub-Committee (SEB) has worked hard to prepare two Masterplans for a potential building project at Galilee. Thanks to their planning, we were able to secure a pledge of $5 million from both major parties leading into the State Election, the largest ever given to a Victorian Catholic Primary School. In 2019, we are hoping to receive the money and begin work that will provide state-of-the-art facilities for our school community.
Other notable initiatives were: Daily 5 and Learning Framework in Number which led to significant growth in our students’ learning. Both focused on explicit teaching and scaffolding of learning. We also held a Community Conversation with parents to gather their views on current practice and the future direction of our school. These ideas formed major parts of our 2019 Annual Action Plan.
Excerpt from External Reviewer’s Report
Late in 2017, an external reviewer visited Galilee as part of a four-year cycle and below is an excerpt from her Report:
In 2016, there was a change in the school's leadership with the appointment of a new principal. This triggered a substantial shift in the school's operations, with immediate attention paid to improving the school's organisational health and community engagement. The review finds that the school’s new directions place it in a strong position to deliver improved outcomes across all spheres. There has been a redefining of vision which is creating a greater sense of cohesion, underpinned by high expectations, empowerment of leaders and a clear focus on school improvement.
A new model of shared leadership is enhancing conditions to enable data, research and evidence to ensure maximum progress and growth in each student’s learning. Staff and parent input into the review emphasised the significance of the new leadership, which is transparent, consultative, courageous, compassionate and consistent.
It is clear that the school’s leadership now has the capacity to build an expert and coherent school-wide teaching team, characterised by continuous professional improvement, instructional leadership and shared responsibility for student learning and success.
School Improvement Surveys are conducted across Australia and Galilee achieved results predominately in the top 25% which is a significant improvement on previous years. See the remainder of this report for further elaborations.
Congratulation to our School Captains, Agnes & Liam, who led with courage and a strong sense of our Catholic beliefs. Both were outstanding role models.
Thank you to the Staff Leadership Team who in collaboration with all staff, introduced a number of successful initiatives. The team has been driven by school improvement with a strong focus upon the students.
In 2018, the Galilee Parents Association (newly named in 2019) raised an unprecedented amount of $40000 and begun the practice of year levels taking responsibility for events to increase their involvement. I thank all members, particularly the following: Chair-Annalise Woolley, Secretary-Emma Keating, Treasurer-Maureen Wetzell, Vice-Chair & Family Liaison-Jess Conway. They gave generously of their time to facilitate a number of events such as the Trivia Night and Mother’s Day Luncheon. The Dads of Galilee (DOGs) had another successful year highlighted by a sold-out camp to Queenscliff. Over the past three years, Paul Mapley has led the formation and organisation of the DOGs. Paul has made a generous and significant contribution to our school. In 2019, James McGann has taken over this role and I have full confidence in his ability.
The School Education Board (SEB) had a very successful year and I congratulate them for their many achievements. Donna McMaster completed her term as Chairperson and I would like to acknowledge her significant impact. Donna empowered others and during her term, we saw a dramatic increase in parental involvement across the school. She also personally contributed to: changes to school uniform, becoming a feeder school to STAR of the Sea and the Building Committee work that resulted in two Masterplans and a $5 million pledge from both major parties. I thank Donna and the SEB for their contribution. In 2019, Michelle McCormack will be the new Chairperson and I have full confidence in her ability to continue our successes.
Mrs Amy Burns took Maternity Leave for the birth of her son, Archie. I acknowledge the outstanding work she achieved, particularly in Leadership, Mathematics and Religious Education. Mr Martello took over this role (while continuing to teach Digital Technology and Italian) and adapted quickly to the demands of the role. He worked collaboratively to provide supportive and innovative leadership. Mrs Gerecke continued to lead with compassion, intelligence and generosity. I thank all of the Deputies for their support, hard work and expertise. In 2019, Mrs Gerecke will focus on Learning & Teaching and Mr Martello, on Student Wellbeing.
We are fortunate to have such wonderful Canonical Administrators (Parish Priests) in Fr Hugh Brown and Fr Dean Mathieson. They both give generously of their time.
For the full report, open the following link or go the school website:
Simon Millar (Principal)