Student Wellbeing

From the Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

We continue to celebrate and embrace the many learning opportunities at the College.  The last month has been an exciting time, as we have seen much learning and relationships continue to flourish.


The journey experienced by our students as they participate in the richness of College life through structured learning in the classroom, co-curricula events, and the Year 9 Program and the many excursions and incursions, encourages our learners to embrace new challenges with energy and optimism.  It is through energy, optimism and perseverance that our young women will develop skills in resilience, collaboration and time management.   We as adult role models need to work and model skills of an open mind and joy, as we enter the unknown.


It has been interesting to observe the different approaches students have taken in approaching the various activities.  Importantly the determination and perseverance is what ensured our students completed the task and gained the most from the experience.  Our young people need to learn that in life we face many challenges but we need to employ strategies and to believe in ourselves.  Our ability to manage setbacks and obstacles is a great personal strength.


This week we have seen our students busily preparing for Variety Night and our Feast Day.  The student leaders form years 7 – 12 have worked constructively and collegially in supporting the days of festivities and learning.  Current research in education would suggest that the Arts play a pivotal role in supporting students' intellectual and creative growth.  Those of you who appreciate TED talks should search Ken Robinson, an English educator who makes some interesting points about creativity and thinking in curriculum.  The students have worked wonderfully to create two days of activities that helps us celebrate and be proud of our MSJ community.    


Two weeks ago, the College hosted students and teachers from our Japanese Sister School, Seirei.  I have been motivated by our communities’ sense of spirit and appreciation of different cultures.  Each year our College hosts young women from Japan; the students spend two weeks at the College and are billeted to our families.  This sense of community and engagement with people from a different culture develops effective global citizens and epitomises global peace by developing mutual and understanding and respect.  We thank our Japanese sisters for their gift of self and our families who have modelled openness and generosity of spirit.


During our welcome assembly for our Seirei students we acknowledged the many girls who have now received their House Colours  for their year level and others who were nominated for the Virtue and Courage Award. The Virtue and Courage is Awarded each semester to 6 students at each year level who, during the term displayed the traits of 'Virtue and Courage'.  Each semester we acknowledge students who receive their House Awards for participating in a variety of school events that promote personal challenge, excellence and community. 


We continue to focus on Child Safety and embedding Child Safe Standards and in particular, child empowerment.  This week our Year 11 students were involved in the Fit2Drive Program and in the afternoon they participated in a workshop facilitated by our staff that explored the notion of ‘consent.’


Fit to Drive

The F2D (Fit Two Drive) Year 11 Workshop is a half-day session.  The workshop experience supports young people to make good decisions when faced with risky driving situations, both as passengers, and in terms of their future driving safety. F2D is about changing attitudes and behaviours - not their driving skills.


The workshop helped young people by using active learning methods that draw upon their own experiences, to develop a respect and pride for safe road use. The small group facilitation is undertaken by specially trained tertiary undergraduates.. The overall purpose of the F2D Year 11 Workshop is to reduce youth road trauma.


In addition, there were presentations about the issues for young drivers and passengers including a Victoria Police presentation and a real life case study delivered by the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB), Country Fire Authority (CFA) or other emergency services personnel.


At the culmination of the F2D workshop our students developed a Personal Plan involving strategies and things they would say and do in dangerous situations in order to, stay safe on the roads. They also developed a School/Community Plan that covers actions to help make those in their school or community safer on the road.



In the afternoon, the teaching staff worked in pairs to facilitate conversations about sexual consent.  Teachers organised a series of discussion points to develop an awareness of the rights and responsibilities that our young women have about their body and the relationships they form. Consent is about DIGNITY, RESPECT and LOVE. This is at the heart of every relationship we have. It is also at the heart of Catholic teaching. Although the Church promotes sharing love in its fullest sense in a marital union, it promotes the overall dignity of all, and the respect for all. Many of you may have viewed the recent episode of Insight, entitled Consent on SBS, which was used in parts.


Male Mentors Breakfast

Early next month we will be hosting the Annual Male Mentor Breakfast on September 6.  We invite all male mentors to attend this breakfast with their daughter or young woman they nurture and care for.  Further information was sent by email.

Please click HERE to register your intention to attend


Steven Mifsud

Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing