Pastoral Care News

This week the C.A.T hosted a “Bake & Cake Stall” as well as conducted Easter raffles to raise funds to purchase much needed water for the small community of Louth in far west NSW. Thank you to everyone who supported this initiative and with additional contributions from some of the MCC Air Cadets we were able to donate in excess of 1200 litres of water. The water left Griffith on its journey to those in need and we hope that it will ease the burden in some way for the community of Louth.

We are extremely blessed to live in such a generous community such as Griffith and MCC were just one of the many individuals, services or businesses who contributed to the “Water for Louth” campaign. This collaborative approach is further evidence that when we work together, we can make a significant, positive change where needed. We may never visit Louth nor meet the people who live there however we care and at the end of the day; that is all that really matters. There can never be enough kindness in the world.



Next term our focus will be on homelessness. The national acknowledgement day occurs during the holidays however the CAT will use the term to look at destigmatising and demystifying the stereotypical ideas associated with homelessness and work together will students and staff to create our “I Care Kits”. The kits contain basic essentials and personal hygiene products which are distributed to those who are at risk or identify as homeless in our local area through services such as St Vincent DePaul and Linking Community Networks (Women’s Refuge and YouthLinks). It is also hoped that the team will take part in a Caritas Australia “Just Leaders” forum focusing on social justice and equity issues along with organising a Vinnies Sleepout. This activity provides an insight to what it is like to be displaced and having to sleep rough without the comforts of a home.


Whilst it is our Year 10 students who take active leadership positions with the C.AT every student (or staff member) who has donated, contributed or volunteered at any time are also part of our team. MCC has a long history of being community minded and without this support we could not achieve all that we do. We are always looking for additional students to attend our meetings so if anyone wishes for further information please don’t hesitate to contact homeroom teachers, Pastoral Coordinators or myself directly.


I hope that everyone has a restful and relaxing break and I look forward to the challenges that the new term shall bring; along with the cooler weather.

Stay safe and stay happy


Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)