Father Christian

Friends, this term has been a blessing to us all as we started the year with a School Mass in thanksgiving to God and receiving His blessings for our school community for the rest of the year. It is always a privilege to share with you in my class visits our story, the Christian story, the comforting and life-giving story of our faith as we reflected on the life of Jesus and his great love for us.


Recently I received a feedback from a young mum whose daughter is in the kindergarten class. She told me how excited her daughter was to learn from me in the class that Jesus loves children immensely and to infinity and that we all are special and very important to God.


It has always been the central point of our faith and spiritual journey to be reminded that we are loved by God, that we are very special and important to him. St Augustine said it rightly; “God loves each of us as if there is only one of us”.


This time of Easter brings to light this fact of God’s love for us because it was out of love that Jesus died for us on the Cross. This is why the crucifix and the sign of the cross we make before our prayers have become the great symbols of our faith because they are constant reminders to us of what Jesus did and does for us. They are constant reminders of this great and awesome love of God for us.


As we celebrate Easter this year, may we pause for a moment and reflect on this love of God for us and how we can respond to it with a life filled with sincere love for God and active and unconditional love for others. May we reflect on the cross, Jesus death and Resurrection and what that implies for our lives, our future and our eternity. May we enter a pilgrimage this week with Jesus as he journeys to Jerusalem from Palm Sunday to his crucifixion on Good Friday and ultimately to His victorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.


Practical things we can do are; spending some quiet time in prayer this week. Turning off our social media to allow that space for God to talk to us and show us some light and guidance in our lives. Also, to make this week truly our week and to participate fully in this journey with Jesus, we can attend the Palm Sunday Mass, the ceremonies for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

As we journey with Jesus in this most sacred time, may we equally experience from Him, the fullness of life, joy and salvation.