Principal News

An Easter Thought

This Easter let us remember that is was ultimately love that triumphed over hate. Despite the work of evil to destroy all that is good, it did not win. Christ, the most holy was desecrated, the inviolate was violated. The most loving was outraged. All the evil and hatred and violence and cruelty that have tormented the world from the beginning were focussed here, too. Instead, goodness and beauty and love won out. Take some time to gaze at the crucifixion and let it touch you. Then we can follow Jesus to his resurrection and find hope and power to work for change.

Let us also remember that in our broader community there also is a lot of loving kindness around; there is a lot of silent, courageous heroism; there is a lot of simple, sincere goodness and holiness. People are being hurt; but many are being loved into health; many grieving hearts are being consoled. Many hearts are celebrating the joys and memories of their lives. So “just as sin reigned wherever there was death, so grace will reign to bring eternal life.”(Rom 5:21). God is alive and well; and at work. We need to remind ourselves of that.


Lord, My heart will be buoyed up and I’ll be the sacrament of your presence if I keep in mind the good things you are doing. Lift up my heart so I choose to direct my attention to all that is alive and growing in the people around me. May your Easter joy be something that radiates out from me. Amen


Dear Parents, Students and Friends


The 2019 Marian Club Cabaret was a huge success over the two night, with sell-out crowds enjoying the amazing entertainment of students and staff. There are many pictures on our Facebook site and in this Newsletter.  My thanks to everyone involved. The talent at Marian is definitely bright and shining for all to see!


Following on this week the College has held a Social for the students, a Parent/Teacher/Student Interview Night to discuss academic progress and two Transition Sessions for students joining Marian Year 7 in 2020. The first session involved Science as well as HSIE. Judging by the enthusiasm in the rooms, I think that the students enjoyed the lessons.


Congratulations to the MCC C.A.T Team for raising in excess of 1200 litres of water that was donated by students of the College to send to Louth. Please see full article in Pastoral Care section of this newsletter.

Coming Events

ANZAC Day 2019 As is customary all students are invited to represent the College at the March on April 25. Students are to wear full winter uniform with blazers. Each year Marian has a large turn out and I am hoping for a similar number or bigger this year. Students will have their participation recorded as Community Service with their Pastoral Coordinator. Please join the College at the ANZAC March, at 10am. We will assemble near the Griffith City Library. It won’t be hard to locate us! Marian will be holding an ANZAC Commemoration Assembly on Wednesday1st May. This will be organised by HSIE Leader of Learning, Mr Lyon.


Staff Professional Learning Day-Monday 29th April

Teachers will be working on a number of programs aimed at improving the quality of how we teach, as well developing personal professional learning plans.

Students return to school Tuesday 30th April.


End of Term One

Today marks the end of the term. There is much to be thankful for in what has been a very busy time. May everyone who has contributed to its success, staff, students and parents have some time to reflect on what has gone right and what could be done better.

As customary there will be one week for students to wear summer/winter uniforms, as the weather may still be warm. All students must be in full winter uniforms by Monday 6 May.


Finally, I look forward to welcoming students on their return on Tuesday 30th April. Rest up and be safe.

 Peace and best wishes


Alan Le Brocque
