Year 1 Report

Term 1 2021

End of Term 1

Well done to all our Grade One students on a busy and exciting term! Students have settled well into their classes and have participated in many fun learning experiences with so much more planned for the coming term! 


Fine Motor soft start activities
Fine Motor soft start activities
Fine Motor soft start activities
Fine Motor soft start activities
Fine Motor soft start activities
Fine Motor soft start activities


Throughout Term 1, students consolidated their understanding of counting to and from 100. They built on counting skills such as looking at more and less, subitising, automatic recall and counting forwards and backwards. They learnt how to represent numbers by matching number words, pictures and objects to 20. Students practiced skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s to 100 and beyond. They explored skip counting by using objects, 100s charts, singing skip counting songs and playing games to support their understanding. Number talks were completed weekly to give students an opportunity to explain their understanding of the numeracy concepts being taught. Students learnt how to identify and sort two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects using obvious features such as sides (edges), corners (vertices) and faces. Shape was investigated through hands on experiences such as creating shapes with popsicle sticks, using geoboards, labelling magnetic shapes and creating 3D shapes using nets.  


Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun
Family Maths Night Fun


Grade One students have read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts related to healthy choices with a focus on sequencing and finding facts. They have retold the key information from texts orally, in drawings and in writing. Students focused on using the words first, next, then and finally when describing events in order. They have developed further phonetic awareness through Read, Write, Inc sessions and have worked on decoding strategies such as pointing to each word, sounding out and looking at the pictures as they read. Students have continued to practice reading, writing and making their high frequency words in a variety of ways. This has been done by using magnetic letters, making words with playdough, playing high frequency word bingo and matching games. Towards the end of term, students have discussed and identified the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts by reading big books and picture story books in class.  

High Frequency Word practice
High Frequency Word practice
Pointing to each word
High Frequency Word practice
High Frequency Word practice
Pointing to each word


Students have been continuing to learn how to write recounts about familiar events. They have been given the opportunity to engage in activities aimed at developing their oral language which allowed for exposure to new and interesting vocabulary. Some of the oral language experiences included making ‘Fruit Sticks’ and playing games which also focused on team building such as Dodgeball and Soccer. Various Grammar activities also helped students focus on nouns and verbs, which are an important feature of recount writing. Towards the end of the Term, the Grade One students began focusing on Information Labelling. This was linked to our Inquiry topic ‘Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Happy Relationships’ where students revised what nouns were and had a go at labelling an outline of the human body.  Students were also guided in writing an information report about an animal.  We are extremely proud of all the writing the Grade One students have produced so far during Term One!   

Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks
Fruit Sticks


Grade One students have been learning about “Healthy bodies, Healthy Minds and Happy relationships”. Students have developed their understanding about how healthy and unhealthy food choices can affect their body and help it to grow. Students have also identified safe and unsafe behaviours and discussed the importance of making good choices. Students explored how to be a good friend and demonstrated examples of this through role play. They were also provided with opportunities to further enhance their understanding of the topic through writing experiences that were linked to the Inquiry unit.  


  • School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time
  • Please provide, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day
  • Taps are on but a water bottle each day is recommended for use in class
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes and home readers.


We hope you all enjoy a restful break and we look forward to seeing you, ready for more learning in Term 2!  


The Grade One Team 

Katherine Richardson, Emily Routley, Rosie Borg and Melissa Fitzpatrick.