Student Voice

AFL Girls Gala Day

AFL Girls Gala Day 5th March

 Hi, I’m Hannah from 6H. My name is Cleo from 6H. And my name is Audrey from 6K. 


We recently played in the girls footy gala day held at Chelsworth Park. Eight schools from around the district competed. We had a fun day. 


A month leading up to the competition we worked hard to learn the skills of kicking and handballing an AFL football and all about how to play Aussie Rules Football. 


Although we may not have had as many wins as we wanted to, every girl came back to school with a smile and feeling proud of themselves. 

Go IPS girls football!

Be an Upstander not a bystander.

The Year 3 students had an incursion today and a topic was managing bullying.

The video gives students and families some tips and hints to consider when they or their friends are faced with challenging social situations.


Be an Upstander – Prevent Bullying

Be a soapy hero

Start  a discussion at home about being a soapy hero. Here are some posters to talk about.